
Victor (による victorbrigge)


Victor 討論

Aug 04, 2010 at 07:41
28,165 視聴
336 Replies
Jan 28, 2011からメンバー   22 投稿
Apr 29, 2011 at 06:15
People here do not want to understand that this low life FOREXSCAM guy does this BS scam reports for a living on many different forex products and makes money out of it
Apr 03, 2011からメンバー   18 投稿
Apr 29, 2011 at 07:01

maxtrade posted:
i come to this discussion to learn a strategy with victor as i find from the record and i had monitor his live trades is profitable. he did not sell any indicator.he is willing to share his system start from beginning of the discussion.and i'm sure many had a same reason as me. Even though there are some request of account management but NONE of them discuss detail in this discussion. SO MY MAIN POINT HERE IS MANY NEW LEARNER COME HERE TO LEARN,WE NOT INVEST.AND THEN COMES THIS PERSON NAME "FOREXSCAM" QUESTIONS ABOUT VICTOR IS SCAM...WHAT THE HELL !!!!! WE WANT TO LEARN THE STRATEGY.I dont care victor is scam or not,i just want to learn in this discussion.FOREXSCAM MAKE THIS GOOD DISCUSSION STOP. GO EAT YOUR S**T... I HAD SEE ALL FOREXSCAM POST IN MYB IS POINTING THE PERSON IS SCAM. NONE OF YOUR POST IS TO GIVE TRADING EDUCATION TO NEW TRADER.. AT LEAST IF IT IS REALLY TRUE VICTOR IS SCAM I GOT SOME TRADING STRATEGY FROM HIM..BUT I NEVER GOT ANY,ZERO,NONE, TRADING STRATEGY FROM FOREXSCAM.BETTER U GO F**K YOUR SELF FOREXSCAM.

woi kasaq nmpk
Mar 20, 2011からメンバー   35 投稿
Apr 29, 2011 at 07:14

fxtune posted:
woi kasaq nmpk

geram..geram....br nk dpt ilmu skit ada aja setan dengki
Apr 03, 2011からメンバー   18 投稿
Apr 29, 2011 at 07:25
mcm mn sstem yg ikt smlm dpt byk x klu bleh ikt bgs gak bleh tmpang skaki hee
Mar 20, 2011からメンバー   35 投稿
Apr 29, 2011 at 08:29
hr ni x msk lg.org rmh tgh tgk history sblm nie...huhuhu...nk msk byk nieee..k laa ptg nnt sy p kdai..mrh org dlm ni x phm kita ckp apa..hahaha..
Jan 14, 2010からメンバー   2279 投稿
Apr 29, 2011 at 09:44
You better learn to trade yourself and think for yourself if you want to make it in trading.
Jan 14, 2010からメンバー   2279 投稿
Apr 29, 2011 at 09:45
btw, what's language it is?
Mar 20, 2011からメンバー   35 投稿
Apr 29, 2011 at 10:35 (編集済みのApr 29, 2011 at 10:38)
i'm from malaysia and it is malaysian language (bahasa melayu). you are right about have my own system.as i said i'm still learning. let think like this way, do you think henry ford comes with the idea of creating a car just magically ? no .. at 1st he saw horseless wagon coming down the road and then he had an idea of automobile that ran of gas.
behind every great system lies a very basic idea.. i came here to learn because with learning i had an idea. that is why i said in not in the invest my money. if i don't have any knowledge from profitble system how can i have my own system.The truth is with victor system had given me some of idea and i'm implement it with a good result.

What most disappointing of me when there are few people willing share their idea there comes others people questioning their reliability. THERE IS NO RIGHT OR WRONG OF ANY SYSTEM IN THE FOREX . We must understand that. This happen just not in this discussion,many others forum,system i'm following when there is good things to share always comes other person questioning their reliability.

As for SCAM with people money,i'm not blaming the scammer,but i'm blaming the person who got scam.Why ? because that their fault of not have knowledge and blindly gave their money to others to invest.IT IS YOUR FAULT YOU GOT CHEATED. If you had enough knowledge you will not be cheated. I'm a businessman, i'm do retail sales, sometime things i sell is not quite good enough,but i'm still tell my customer it is good,for knowledge customer they know the truth and they will not buy it,but for unacknowledged customer they just listen to my talk without any knowledge and they just buy it.

What FOREXSCAM do is good but it is in the wrong place. Why not FOREXSCAM just open a new discussion to discuss about scam trader,broker etc. What he is doing now is he is ruining this discussion by directly questioning in this thread. If FOREXSCAM really want to educate others he just can give a suggestion at here to read at his own discussion regarding the scam trader,broker etc before invest any money.Any discussion of victor realibility is discuss at FOREXSCAM own discussion,not here. And then it is up to our self to make a decision.

For me FOREXSCAM is more like to have an attention here more than to educate people.What is his/her true agenda is beyond my knowledge.

It is very pity such of this good discussion here had ended by others agenda.
Apr 11, 2011からメンバー   19 投稿
Apr 29, 2011 at 12:18

maxtrade posted:

For me FOREXSCAM is more like to have an attention here more than to educate people.What is his/her true agenda is beyond my knowledge.

It is very pity such of this good discussion here had ended by others agenda.

Yes I also agree with you. This man has some different agenda. Like other poster here said, if he wants he must start different discussion topic on his own and post warnings and everything else there, without posting his nonsense ideas and calling everyone scam scam here. Too bad now and too late, because he chased away Victor.😈
Mar 25, 2010からメンバー   190 投稿
Apr 29, 2011 at 15:07 (編集済みのApr 29, 2011 at 15:17)
fxtune posted:

maxtrade posted:
i come to this discussion to learn a strategy with victor as i find from the record and i had monitor his live trades is profitable. he did not sell any indicator.he is willing to share his system start from beginning of the discussion.and i'm sure many had a same reason as me. Even though there are some request of account management but NONE of them discuss detail in this discussion. SO MY MAIN POINT HERE IS MANY NEW LEARNER COME HERE TO LEARN,WE NOT INVEST.AND THEN COMES THIS PERSON NAME "FOREXSCAM" QUESTIONS ABOUT VICTOR IS SCAM...WHAT THE HELL !!!!! WE WANT TO LEARN THE STRATEGY.I dont care victor is scam or not,i just want to learn in this discussion.FOREXSCAM MAKE THIS GOOD DISCUSSION STOP. GO EAT YOUR S**T... I HAD SEE ALL FOREXSCAM POST IN MYB IS POINTING THE PERSON IS SCAM. NONE OF YOUR POST IS TO GIVE TRADING EDUCATION TO NEW TRADER.. AT LEAST IF IT IS REALLY TRUE VICTOR IS SCAM I GOT SOME TRADING STRATEGY FROM HIM..BUT I NEVER GOT ANY,ZERO,NONE, TRADING STRATEGY FROM FOREXSCAM.BETTER U GO F**K YOUR SELF FOREXSCAM.

woi kasaq nmpk

Please do not write in CAPS. We need to respect everybody here.
Yeah i know my grammar sucks, I speak spanish. Sorry if something doesnt make sense ;)
Jan 14, 2010からメンバー   2279 投稿
Apr 29, 2011 at 16:07
I believe every system is short lived. Market conditions change and Victor is a good discretionary trader this is the reason of his trading results. He decides when to take trade and when not to take trade which is very important as many who are learning this system would jump on every signal. Have you tried to trade this system say in January/ February you would lose your shirt.
It is easy now as a lot of pairs are trending and trend is a friend and this is actually trend following system.
Jan 14, 2010からメンバー   2279 投稿
Apr 29, 2011 at 16:09
I have no system cause I believ in being flexible and being ready for everything. I am learning to trade along big money and market makers. What I am trying to do is to learn how to see the footprint of smart money to day trade.
Jan 28, 2010からメンバー   232 投稿
May 01, 2011 at 12:44

hcomet posted:
Thank you RWFX, hopefully this is the end of hoaxing at Viktor's place, which used to be an interesting one before that mad guy came.
Good luck to all the real traders.

No worries hcomet. Con-artists like this chap forexscam must be flushed out from here to make myfxbook a pleasant place for the rest of us.

Have a good week.
Oct 31, 2010からメンバー   12 投稿
May 01, 2011 at 13:21
Витек - красавчик :)
Jan 14, 2010からメンバー   2279 投稿
May 01, 2011 at 13:27
Soglasen :)

_ArthuR_ posted:
Витек - красавчик :)
Aug 03, 2010からメンバー   40 投稿
May 02, 2011 at 06:43
Hello everybody
one announcement:

I am not sending PMs to myFxbook user with ask of Account Management from my self.
One person from this site contacted me with project of management of small accounts by myself, but I do not know details.
I DO NOT sending emails or PMs. Do not be fraud.

Oct 22, 2009からメンバー   7 投稿
May 03, 2011 at 01:16
Dear Victor,
can you please update about the results of the questionnaire on 13th April for account management ?

May 03, 2011からメンバー   5 投稿
May 03, 2011 at 04:56
Victor! Either you send PM or not, managing funds with you is a thing of choice. All i know is that you thread is good.
Mar 25, 2010からメンバー   190 投稿
May 05, 2011 at 14:53 (編集済みのMay 05, 2011 at 14:54)
i received this from: [email protected]

Hi all,
Finally, we are able to come back to you with news.
We have received replies from approximately 50 potential investors. Although we consider the information, that you have supplied us with, to be reliable, we have to take into account the possibility that not everyone would decide to participate, in which case our interest for this project might also diminish. Without trying, however, we won’t know for sure. Thank you all for you interest and patience.
All in all, we have the following situation:
As of today we conclude that an amount of 200K USD to 700K USD could be pooled at an initial stage. We have decided to move ahead with this initiative and set up a PAMM account with www.alpari.com
Many of you have indicated other brokers, but this is the one that has been chosen by the majority group.
For the time being we asked a partner of Victor to set up a PAMM account with Alpari. You will be provided with further information shortly.
Thank you for your trust and patience.
All the best,
Victor Brigge & Team


Can confirm if this email is from you, victorbrigge?
Yeah i know my grammar sucks, I speak spanish. Sorry if something doesnt make sense ;)
Aug 03, 2010からメンバー   40 投稿
May 11, 2011 at 13:10
Yes, I confirm.
Two partners work with me in two different brokers.

1. These guys http://accuratesignal.com/ orginized very fast everything for trading. I do not get in to details, so contact them directly. Here is link to MAM account: https://www.tadawulfx.com/v2/register/index.php/ib/800828

Alpari is not ready yet. I am waiting for details from Alpari PAMM partner.
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