
Yen Fortress (Closed) (による falcon333)

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Yen Fortress (Closed) 討論

Oct 16, 2014 at 18:19
925 視聴
10 Replies
Mar 20, 2010からメンバー   52 投稿
Nov 13, 2014 at 20:35
Over 400% live return thus far for 2014! It is called Yen Fortress because it is comprised of 15 powerful, non-correlated GBP/JPY trend-following (non-grid, non-martingale) EAs that act a Samurai unit designed to build and defend your fortress account.

This fully automated portfolio system comprises a blend of 15 powerful GBP/JPY EAs, each EA constructed with a blend of common and proprietary indicators to identify short term trends and their reversals – with clearly defined stop loss averaging 50 pips, no grid or martingale technique.

Each of these 15 EAs were themselves culled from over 200 EAs I had created for GBP/JPY as the best performing and smoothest in equity return over a 15-year testing period. Moreover, they were chosen for their very low correlation to each other so as to work in complimentary (not redundant) fashion, helping to grow the account and keep the draw down tight.

In total, the 15-EA system has produced over 260,000 pips over the last 12 years, which translates out to about 20,000 pips per year.

Based on the 12-year historical draw down numbers, I figure that one would need to trade this system with 0.01 lot per 1K in order to achieve an aggressive return of over 200% per year with less than 40% draw down.

More conservative clients can trade with 0.01 per 2K to achieve over 100% return with less than 20% draw down.
“Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?” Robert Browning
Apr 13, 2011からメンバー   159 投稿
Nov 14, 2014 at 01:04
Looks good, are you selling this system?
Mar 20, 2010からメンバー   52 投稿
Nov 14, 2014 at 02:20
Thanks Nick.

Anyone can subscribe to the system's signals here:
“Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?” Robert Browning
Jan 25, 2010からメンバー   1288 投稿
Nov 14, 2014 at 06:59
falcon333 posted:
Over 400% live return thus far for 2014! It is called Yen Fortress because it is comprised of 15 powerful, non-correlated GBP/JPY trend-following (non-grid, non-martingale) EAs that act a Samurai unit designed to build and defend your fortress account.

This fully automated portfolio system comprises a blend of 15 powerful GBP/JPY EAs, each EA constructed with a blend of common and proprietary indicators to identify short term trends and their reversals – with clearly defined stop loss averaging 50 pips, no grid or martingale technique.

Each of these 15 EAs were themselves culled from over 200 EAs I had created for GBP/JPY as the best performing and smoothest in equity return over a 15-year testing period. Moreover, they were chosen for their very low correlation to each other so as to work in complimentary (not redundant) fashion, helping to grow the account and keep the draw down tight.

In total, the 15-EA system has produced over 260,000 pips over the last 12 years, which translates out to about 20,000 pips per year.

Based on the 12-year historical draw down numbers, I figure that one would need to trade this system with 0.01 lot per 1K in order to achieve an aggressive return of over 200% per year with less than 40% draw down.

More conservative clients can trade with 0.01 per 2K to achieve over 100% return with less than 20% draw down.

The slick marketing spiel has got me running the other way... GBPJPY only? Non-correlated? 15 EAs? Yep, sounds like the usual "marketing gimmicks" promoters try to push to sell their EAs / PAMMs / signal subscriptions.

Or maybe it is the way the system is described: so "glowingly positive" - if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.
Apr 30, 2013からメンバー   55 投稿
Nov 14, 2014 at 07:17
Lol @ Matt.. I think you are wrong here, because 95% of people buying commercial EA's and such don't even know what non-correlated means. I know the creator of this system personally and he simply is an experienced trader as well as programmer.

I'm thinking... jealousy ? :)
Jan 25, 2010からメンバー   1288 投稿
Nov 14, 2014 at 07:20 (編集済みのNov 14, 2014 at 07:24)
hansbowles posted:
Lol @ Matt.. I think you are wrong here, because 95% of people buying commercial EA's and such don't even know what non-correlated means. I know the creator of this system personally and he simply is an experienced trader as well as programmer.

I'm thinking... jealousy ? :)

I'm thinking... non-correlated? How is GBPJPY and GBPJPY "non-correlated"?

...and making generalisations like "95% of people buying commercial EAs don't know what it means" - you are avoiding critical analysis of the system and trying to make this a personal argument. If you know so much, why don't you please explain?

You would do well to support your "friend" by providing helpful answers, rather than insulting the intelligence of skeptics.
Mar 20, 2010からメンバー   52 投稿
Nov 14, 2014 at 07:25
@BluePanther, Have a nice run the other way. Don't know why you even bothered to stop in here.

There's nothing "usual" about the description. There is not one EA coder that I know of (and I've been in the automated coding business for 17 years now) that has worked anywhere near the details of Yen Fortress.

Instead of attacking a system you haven't spent one second looking into, why don't you ask questions of the system that I can answer? Why don't you ask for proof or evidence that I can provide?

I'm here to answer all reasonable questions and substantiate all everything I say with evidence.
“Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?” Robert Browning
Mar 20, 2010からメンバー   52 投稿
Nov 14, 2014 at 07:29
You can visit my correlation reports here:

You will see that most of my strategies have less than 10% (< 0.10) correlation, meaning that all systems are non-correlated, independent, non-redundant.

What makes them that way? They are built with different trading logic for entry and exit, entering and exiting the market on different indicator conditions and time frames.
I have plenty of excellent systems, but I was forced to reject the ones that were correlated above 40% and only preserve the ones which were uncorrelated.

Just because you see that 10 strategies were successful in jumping into the major trends these past two months does not mean that the strategies in it are correlated.

You might see some of the strategies capture the same trends when they happen only because all strategies are trend following. They all try to capture their own version of the trend -- however it takes place. There is often a trend somewhere, someplace, if you zoom into the right time frame, and there are micro-trends even in ranges.

I do not build systems that trade counter-trend. Counter-trend systems will all eventually fall apart. Most retail traders like to trade that way -- even so far as gridding / martingaling their positions when markets trend against them-- and this is one of many factors why they get slaughtered.

The Achilles heal of my system is prolonged sideways activity (unsustainable movements), such as seen during summer months. If you suspect the world markets will be tame for the next few months, you might want to stay on the sidelines or trade less lots. But then again, no one can predict the beginning or end of flat periods.
“Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?” Robert Browning
Jan 25, 2010からメンバー   1288 投稿
Nov 14, 2014 at 07:38 (編集済みのNov 14, 2014 at 07:50)
Ty Falcon. I am glad your second response was more useful to my ignorant (yes, it was) comment. I guess my comment was made out of sheer "intimidation" at the torrent of information you provided in the opening post and the "glowing" review. You do not know how many times I have read such "positive" reviews of systems (or perhaps you can hazard to guess?). Any wonder I am running scared?

falcon333 posted:
@BluePanther, Have a nice run the other way. Don't know why you even bothered to stop in here.

I just might for now... I don't know why either. It does look like a good system, but I am very cautious of signal services... they have a nasty habit of taking my subscription, blowing up and disappearing on me.

Sorry, you need not sink to my levels. Seems you are in a good place, hope you continue your success and I might reconsider.

Edit: I see my misunderstanding:
"15 powerful, non-correlated GBP/JPY trend-following (non-grid, non-martingale) EAs"

You are describing the "strategies" of your EAs as non-correlated. Not to be confused with pair correlation (see myfxbook "correlation"). GBPJPY correlates 100% with GBPJPY.
Mar 20, 2010からメンバー   52 投稿
Nov 14, 2014 at 08:18
@BluePanther. Sure, I now understand your initial skepticism. Also, thanks for noting how you arrived an initial misunderstanding regarding my version of correlation, which is indeed inter-strategy correlation.

Like you, I have seen way too many EAs, Signal Services and Pamms get lucky with enormous returns at the outset and then burn out.

Personally, I think most burn out because they are using risky methodologies to generate their initial big returns and these same risky methodologies eventually destroy the account. What are they? They are grids, martingales, partial grids, distant or no stops, and over-leverage. Also throw in time-dependent scalpers. It is just too easy to make an impressive "looking" system with those methods, in backtesting and in partial (lucky) forward testing, to tease the unwary into jumping in and forking over their cash, and in the end these same methods blow up the account.

I'm quite a bit different from most EA signal providers out there. I have been helping traders learn how to trade and code for many years now and I believe I now have a system that can help them.

I am the author of the Forex Razor School (https://www.forexrazor.com/en-us/school.aspx), including its popular section on Automated Trading and MQL4 Guide to Building an Expert Advisor.

I have taught hundreds of people over several years how to properly code strategies and backtest them. All for free.

I have even helped dozens of people create strategies out of their own ideas on the Forex Razor forum as Steven Randolf, also for free: https://www.forexrazor.com/forum/tabid/64/aft/2780/language/en-US/Default.aspx
“Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?” Robert Browning
Jan 25, 2010からメンバー   1288 投稿
Nov 14, 2014 at 08:39 (編集済みのNov 14, 2014 at 08:39)
Thanks Falcon. My original comment was meant "tongue-in-cheek" - I should have added 😝.

Perhaps I over-reacted to Hans' comment too... (sorry)

End of the day: a system will prove itself - critics and detractors ultimately have no bearing on the performance.
"He who laughs last, laughs the hardest." (by proving critics wrong). I hope you have the last laugh. 😁
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