I have 13 years experience trading the currency, futures and stock markets. I have previously worked at a Prop trading desk scalping calendar spreads of European and British fixed income markets.
I realised that retail investors have no chance at consistently beating the market if trading intraday because of the numerous disadvantages they have over the large institutions and prop trading desks.
These disadvantages are predominantly to do with wider spreads and little or no order book information. As well as not having a lrage enough bankroll to be scalping a few points at a time.
 I also got fatigued with staring at numbers for 10 hours a day!
I have always wanted to work for myself so after completing my Masters Thesis in Technical Analysis and technical trading system development I decided to go it alone and trade my own account and write a trading blog where I share some of my mechanical long term trend following strategies.
I share a simple Trend Following Model on MyFxBook to illustrate the realities of what a real trend-following strategy entails.
My aim of sharing these trades is to illustrate the benefits of trend-following and strategy diversification.
Please visit Backtestwizard.com for further information and free stock trade signals and strategies.
Mechanical diversified futures trend following.
Reverse Engineering Trading Success


Systems by Sweatyslouch

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Contest - Sweatyslouch -74.69% 74.93% -39.6 - 1:200 デモ