Striving to be the best in the web industry.
Day Trader
If we learn from losing, we become winners in the end. :D


Systems by arcBshopEyek

名前 増加 ドローダウン ピップス 取引 レバレッジ タイプ
Sky Bound Scalper 14.93% 66.09% 590.2 混合 1:500 デモ
Sky Bound Scalper V1.2 11.62% 57.31% 251.8 混合 1:500 デモ
skybound 15.96% 2.34% 1525.8 自動 1:3000 デモ

Strategies by arcBshopEyek

名前 増加 ドローダウン ピップス パフォーマンス
Bishop Trader - (6 Months) +586.76% 14.77 2933.8 Bishop Trader - (6 Months) performance
Bishop Trader with Money Management - Aggresive (1Y) +211448.29% 17.67 8141.0 Bishop Trader with Money Management - Aggresive (1Y) performance
Bishop Trader - Conservative (1Y) +842.81% 14.24 2396.3 Bishop Trader - Conservative (1Y) performance

arcBshopEyek's Reviews
