I have been trading for over 10 years in research and development of a consistently-profitable strategy. I have always wanted a strategy that will produce profit on a daily basis as consistently as possible. This search has led me to understand that I do not have to be the best trader out there; all I need to do is know how to find the best traders and systems out there. So I have combined the best automated strategies in the market within a balanced portfolio. My job is to monitor the results to make sure the systems remain relevant and consistently profitable.

If you want to win, follow me.
Fundamental & technical with use of Expert Advisors to manage the open positions while I live my wonderful life.
Here We Go!


Systems by dwrigh369

名前 増加 ドローダウン ピップス 取引 レバレッジ タイプ
Wrightrade Conservative -99.90% 100.00% 1515.2 自動 1:1000 デモ
Wrightrade Moderate -44.70% 38.54% 1783.8 - 1:500 デモ
Wrightrade Aggressive -90.38% 51.93% 1891.4 - 1:1000 リアル
Manual Wrightrade -36.93% 47.56% -269.5 手動 1:200 リアル
WrightradeMaxHedge_v2 -99.90% 99.95% -376.3 混合 1:1000 デモ