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CSV File Import
Hộp thư đề xuất
Nov 11, 2013 at 02:43
I also second this request. Would be very useful to be able to use fxbook's powerful analytics to chk csv trade statements.
Global Prime-Live
Hệ thống giao dịch
Oct 05, 2013 at 06:06
Jon what happened to your other eas? Were they not profitable? I looked up your profile a year ago and you had a whole different bunch of eas than now.
thebinaryinsider.com SCAM
Thông tin chung
Sep 11, 2013 at 07:41
Those % stats in trading systems are calculated over time not in a single day. I don't really think you can judge a system just from 20 or so trades, especially an intraday scalping system with what a 5min 15min timeframe? If I was going to try out a new system like that I would need at least 1 years history and 500+ trades MINIMUM.Although, the chances are you're probably right and it is a scam. Off market prices are telling, its likely an indication they're manipulating their feed. In general binary options brokers have even worse reputations than fx brokers and every binary brok...
Forex Robot TFOT
Hệ thống giao dịch
Sep 06, 2013 at 07:35
The lotsize didn't vary in the old system. So I'm guessing they changed something.
Project 500 pips a month
Hệ thống giao dịch
Jun 06, 2013 at 15:51
Have you seen ADNAN ESSAM MALOMA on Zulutrade? He was one of the traders I was watching and his blow up when gold tanked was biggest I've ever seen lol. (He lost like 300k of his own funds!) Anyways Zulutrade has its own problems, aside from trader issues, they have fake stats and runs a scammy as broker which was why I looked into but never deposited any money with their services.Perhaps you have unrealistically high expectations from watching the traders there though. Assuming 500p doesn't blow up, ~50% yearly profit with DD even in the high 20's is actually excellent. For exampl...
Project 500 pips a month
Hệ thống giao dịch
Jun 06, 2013 at 15:24
I wouldn't start panicking until the official account is around 50% dd. Their previous high was 23.3% and that is quite decent among long term swing traders. Though it would be better if they were more responsive. I'm interested to see if the 500p guys can handle when positions go against them and whether they know how to cut their losses when that happens, as that's the most important mark of a good trader.I watched some traders on Zulutrade before as well, most of them got blown up when they didn't do this hehe.
Project 500 pips a month
Hệ thống giao dịch
Jun 05, 2013 at 13:51
Like Petay said, 500p removed/widened their stops but it wasn't reflected in autotrade since its still down at the moment. You could manually enter it back now if you're one of few people following them live since the prices offer even better entries than theirs as of right now. I did a bit of reading up and it seems the fxbook position sizing formula uses the difference of leverage on your account and the leverage on the vendor's account in its calculations too. Not just % of account as you would think. That would explain why they use 0.03 lots per position on a 7k account while m...
Project 500 pips a month
Hệ thống giao dịch
Jun 04, 2013 at 09:43
I recently started watching this account in demo. Judging from the history I think the 500 acc must of removed the SL on their eur/aud trades (dangerous?) while those of us following them on demo got our sl hit when fxbook was down.Open positions are currently -1300 pips in drawdown though, and from the looks of it might spend a few months down a few thousand pips of drawdown like gbpnzd longs before. Another thing I've noticed is that while the 500pip account uses small position sizes to control risk. The default sizing on the myfxbook autotrade is way bigger, so it'll blow the autotr...
Important - Auto Update Issue
Thông tin chung
May 29, 2013 at 13:37
What about the autotrade demo accounts? I notice mine hasn't been updated recently either. Since we don't have access to those accounts to put an ea on. Does that mean that's also canceled now?
Backtest and Reality
Thông tin chung
May 29, 2013 at 09:04
Does tick story fix that 4gb limitation on backtests? I remember I was using birt's method and not been able to test all the years of data consecutively was the only downside.
Important - Auto Update Issue
Thông tin chung
May 29, 2013 at 08:37
Hi so is the auto update option gone forever?Also couldn't you guys just decrease the update frequency to say daily to get around the blocks?
Trading with Banks.
Thông tin chung
May 28, 2013 at 22:30
Ok that's a load of crap. If that were the case, most people including brokers will not able to maintain a minimum balance.I know this because my workplace has an fx account with NAB. THERE'S NO MINIMUM OPENING BALANCE AT ALL! The only caveat is that you'd only be able open it with a business and they start slugging you with fees if the balance falls below $20000 aud. I highly doubt other banks are so much different.
custom analyze by comment
Hộp thư đề xuất
May 28, 2013 at 22:14
I do that all the time, the features is already there. Go to your systems page -> trade tab -> comment include, type in the comment you want to analyse, press add then analyze. Then you'll see all the trades with that particular comment.
Way to remove deleted system from watchlist
Hộp thư đề xuất
May 28, 2013 at 22:11
Current if a system is deleted or made private, the button to remove from watch list in the top right section is gone. It would be great if there was some other way to remove it.
Forex Growth Bot
Hệ thống giao dịch
May 27, 2013 at 10:13
Naw the problem is the sizing. It began with % risk that increased the lot size when its winning, decrease when its losing. Now its trading fixed size with many times the original positions without decreasing size. As anyone who's ever worked in a casino will tell you, using bigger positions after multiple losses than when you started is a common strategy to lose money.As an example, even in 2012. It still had positive pip gain from the beginning to end of the year. In fact most investment funds underperformed as well because of lack of volatility that year. And if any of you were watching...
Hệ thống giao dịch
May 16, 2013 at 05:09
You mean he has buy and sell currencies and both are in big drawdown? Sometimes you can have multiple strategies on an account and you would have opposing positions. Likewise if its a long term strategy you can have big drawdowns but big rewards if the trader position sizes correctly and limits their risk. Don't know if this applies to this account but just saying...
How to remove deleted systems from my watchlist?
Thông tin chung
May 15, 2013 at 15:25
Anyone know? Currently my watch list is filled with them and since they're deleted, the button to remove in the top right section is gone. 😲
Thông tin chung
May 15, 2013 at 14:40
And they'll keep saying that right up until all your moneys gone =D
Myfxbook Autotrade
Thông tin chung
Apr 03, 2013 at 11:40
I also 2nd this request. A feature like this would be invaluable since you can only open one demo account and currently we have no way of sorting through past trades of different providers.
Thông tin chung
Apr 03, 2013 at 11:27
Yep when someone says this about a market maker you just know they're paid shrills for the company. Thanks for informing all the traders out there with your story Mevo. I'm sure many people (myself included) will never deposit any money into such a bucket shop broker after read this.
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