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Devised a new EA. Looking for an investor.
Member Since Nov 23, 2013
23 posts
Jan 05, 2014 at 19:53
Member Since Nov 23, 2013
23 posts
Agree with the above, if you want investors, you really want to trade with real money and have a track record of at least 6 months. Yes past results mean nothing for the future, but they do show if you know what you are doing.
Even trading with a $100 account wont show much trust in your system. Majority of serious PAMM and managed accounts start with $5000 minimum to show that you believe in yourself.
Your EA could be the best thing ever, but if you don't show that you believe in it, then no one else will either.
Even trading with a $100 account wont show much trust in your system. Majority of serious PAMM and managed accounts start with $5000 minimum to show that you believe in yourself.
Your EA could be the best thing ever, but if you don't show that you believe in it, then no one else will either.
If you don't have time to trade, let us do it for you!

Member Since Dec 29, 2013
8 posts
Jan 05, 2014 at 19:55
Member Since Dec 29, 2013
8 posts
OK, well, aside from all of this, I think, Andrey, if you are serious about getting investors, you need to gain some credibility. I was quite ready to put up a real account with $1000 to try it all out, provided it had forward testing results on my OWN demo account, and that I was comfortable after 6 months of seeing it gain, and more importantly, lose. My own personal live account currently has around $19500 in it, this is after 2 years of live trading manually and with several EAs, and a gain of about 70%. There were losses along the way, in May this past year I had a 20% dip. This last couple of months has also been quite bad. BUT, overall I've gained more than I've lost. The point I'm trying to make is that seeing a graph just go up for only a month gives me absolutely no confidence that it will perform in the future. Hence, I required 6 months at least for it to run. As a developer, you might get annoyed at having to wait 6 months before even starting an account for me with real money, but hey, IF it is indeed profitable, there would be no reason why I would ever leave the system, would I now? However, you have changed your mind even, allowing me 6 months testing, then saying only 1 month. I would suggest if you are serious about offering your service, think about what the investors want and give them just that. After all, if we are earning 10 times the interest rate that the bank offer, both developer and investor can be happy.

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