A Honest journal

Jul 20, 2011 at 18:12
338 Replies
Member Since Jan 14, 2010   2279 posts
Jul 29, 2011 at 15:01
I suppose the question was to Oracle.

SirGoodman posted:
How are you doing in your live trading ? Do you have a trade plan ? What is your risk management plan ? How much capital do you trade with ?

Good Trading...
Member Since Jul 24, 2011   23 posts
Jul 30, 2011 at 17:01

Chikot posted:
I suppose the question was to Oracle.

SirGoodman posted:
How are you doing in your live trading ? Do you have a trade plan ? What is your risk management plan ? How much capital do you trade with ?

Good Trading...

The question was for both of you. Are you focused on your profit goal ? Where are you now in that goal ?

Do you have a minimum of $5000 US in capital ?

Have a nice weekend Chief !!!
Member Since Jan 14, 2010   2279 posts
Jul 30, 2011 at 17:14
Ah, Bruce? How are things?
You can click on Chikot and check my account balance and everything. $1094 deposited. Monthly goal is 5%.
I was doing better than that. Finished month with about 3.5% in 7 trading days in 2 weeks. I have been averaging 8-9% since February but my goal is still 5%.
Member Since Jul 24, 2011   23 posts
Jul 31, 2011 at 10:46
As you know the last poster admitted on Oanda is The Chief. Only old members can post there. I might have one more post to do there so if you could watch for my email to you perhaps you can help by posting a message next week. Thank you and good trading.
Member Since Jan 14, 2010   2279 posts
Jul 31, 2011 at 11:33 (edited Jul 31, 2011 at 11:33)
Sorry, cannot do it.
Member Since Jul 20, 2011   175 posts
Jul 31, 2011 at 14:41
Oh boy! Is Bruce still kicking? Is Sirgoodman really him?

I remember this guy at the Oanda forum when I first started trading. Last time I saw him he was at FF by the name of WarrenForex or something like that.

Bruce and Felix Homogratus were two of the names that brings memories from my not very nice beginning on forex 🙄

Forex or bust!
Member Since Jan 14, 2010   2279 posts
Jul 31, 2011 at 14:52
Yep, SirGoodman is Bruce/ Diamond . I was not following but he got banned from Oanda.
BTW, when did you start trading? I will be 3 years in the begining of October 2011.

TheOracle posted:
Oh boy! Is Bruce still kicking? Is Sirgoodman really him?

I remember this guy at the Oanda forum when I first started trading. Last time I saw him he was at FF by the name of WarrenForex or something like that.

Bruce and Felix Homogratus were two of the names that brings memories from my not very nice beginning on forex 🙄

Member Since Jul 20, 2011   175 posts
Jul 31, 2011 at 15:13 (edited Jul 31, 2011 at 15:14)
I started trading a 100$ account on march 2007 after quadrupling it I put some real money by may. By October I was margin called, shorting the cable

Bruce was a "big" poster when I started. he made a profound impression on me, he used to trade E/U back them. It tells you something on how naive I was 😁
Forex or bust!
Member Since Jan 14, 2010   2279 posts
Jul 31, 2011 at 21:18
I managed to approximately double $100 account within 3 months and then lost 70%. I then never was able to make similar returns again as I got scared when trade was going against me and was closing them at big loss eventually. Generally all the money i lost on Forex were lost between September 2008 and February 2009. around $1000.

Yep, I remember Bruce was participating in various demo contests when i joined Oanda. I wonder why Oanda forum closed itself to new members. Oanda forum is not very active at the moment.
Member Since Jul 24, 2011   23 posts
Jul 31, 2011 at 21:54

TheOracle posted:
Oh boy! Is Bruce still kicking? Is Sirgoodman really him?

I remember this guy at the Oanda forum when I first started trading. Last time I saw him he was at FF by the name of WarrenForex or something like that.

Bruce and Felix Homogratus were two of the names that brings memories from my not very nice beginning on forex 🙄

I was just curious about your post. You seem to be a balanced forex trader. Who is Felix and what was your memories ? What about Jacko from Forex Factory ? Do you understand my post ? Where do you see EUR/USD on August 5, 2011 ? Above 1.4400 or below it ? What is your guess on NFP on that day ? My call is 75,000 or less with UI rate at 9.3%

My opinion might change as new data comes out including ISM at the start of the week.

Have a good trading week.
Member Since Jul 20, 2011   175 posts
Jul 31, 2011 at 23:50 (edited Aug 01, 2011 at 00:08)

SirGoodman posted:

TheOracle posted:
Oh boy! Is Bruce still kicking? Is Sirgoodman really him?

I remember this guy at the Oanda forum when I first started trading. Last time I saw him he was at FF by the name of WarrenForex or something like that.

Bruce and Felix Homogratus were two of the names that brings memories from my not very nice beginning on forex 🙄

I was just curious about your post. You seem to be a balanced forex trader. Who is Felix and what was your memories ? What about Jacko from Forex Factory ? Do you understand my post ? Where do you see EUR/USD on August 5, 2011 ? Above 1.4400 or below it ? What is your guess on NFP on that day ? My call is 75,000 or less with UI rate at 9.3%

My opinion might change as new data comes out including ISM at the start of the week.

Have a good trading week.

Come on Bruce everybody knows who Felix Homogratus is/was. My memories about him are not really good because I thought he knew what he was doing. As a forex newbie you look for places and people, trying to learn, thats when some false experts take advantage of you. i never spent money on his software or signals but he cost me a good deal of time.

Never followed jacko. I see posts about him all the time at FF but i have no opinion about this guy.

I do understand your post but I'm 99.9% a technical day trader. I care where the E/U will be intraday anything beyond that I don't know and I dont care.

Guess? I don't guess. Guessing cost me a big deal of money for almost three and a half years.

Opinion? I've been in this business long enough to not have an opinion/bias
Forex or bust!
Member Since Jan 26, 2011   974 posts
Aug 01, 2011 at 02:36 (edited Aug 01, 2011 at 02:46)
SirGoodman posted:
How are you doing in your live trading ? Do you have a trade plan ? What is your risk management plan ? How much capital do you trade with ?

Good Trading...









position in progress.

balance: 3207
margin used: 1090
profit: -498
target: yes.
Member Since Jul 24, 2011   23 posts
Aug 01, 2011 at 06:30
The KEY to being a winning forex trader is easy to explain. However very few people have the discipline to do it.

This post just makes the point as I know it. In order to be a winner trading forex you need to have discipline. Trader's that do not have the correct mental outlook cannot be winners.

The charts are part of it along with price action. Having trading experience trading real funds also are part of it.

In order to get out of the 90% to 95% losing category you need to have an edge. If you do not have an edge and lack discipline you cannot and will not be a winner trading forex.

My edge is I trade real funds and have been trading real funds since March 9, 2006.

I always trade with a trade plan and I follow the movement of all the asset classes that change the values of the currencies.

Gold and Oil is an asset class as are the US Bonds.

USD/JPY has an effect on EUR/JPY which in turn has a big effect on EUR/USD

As money moves into the US Bonds when market risk is an issue then as funds leave the Dow then it goes into Bonds.

In the case tonight as the Dow Futures are up and the US Dollar is stronger because now the focus goes back to the problems in Europe with the debt issues there. Gold now sells off $15 and US Dollars are back in hand going to the Dow.

The money flow leads the charts especially as new fundamentals are in play.

At times near 2:00 AM to 4:00 AM EST and 7:30 AM to 10:30 AM EST there are price action patterns in EUR/USD.

That I have learned through real trading experience.

Your post was the first time the name Felix came on my radar screen. The reason I mention Jacko is because he was the Guru a FF and he turned out to be other than he claimed to be.

When you trade you need all the tools, Discipline, Risk Management, Trade Plan, Technicals and Fundamentals and at least $10,000 US to trade with. I have traded over $250,000 at one time through PAMM.

Have a good trading week.
Member Since Jul 20, 2011   175 posts
Aug 01, 2011 at 10:06 (edited Aug 01, 2011 at 10:27)
Zero, Since I started posting my journal here I'm been nothing but polite with you,

I don't either care or know if you are a multiple account blower as people say, but if you are losing money or mad about something please don't come here on my thread to post off topic comments.

I'm not here to attack anybody. I just want to write down my ongoing trading experience. If you, Bruce or somebody else feels like posting here fine but don't start flaming out of nothing.

PS- No Zero, I don't remember you from oanda's forum.
Forex or bust!
Member Since Jul 20, 2011   175 posts
Aug 01, 2011 at 10:40

SirGoodman posted:
The KEY to being a winning forex trader is easy to explain. However very few people have the discipline to do it.

This post just makes the point as I know it. In order to be a winner trading forex you need to have discipline. Trader's that do not have the correct mental outlook cannot be winners.

The charts are part of it along with price action. Having trading experience trading real funds also are part of it.

In order to get out of the 90% to 95% losing category you need to have an edge. If you do not have an edge and lack discipline you cannot and will not be a winner trading forex.

My edge is I trade real funds and have been trading real funds since March 9, 2006.

I always trade with a trade plan and I follow the movement of all the asset classes that change the values of the currencies.

Gold and Oil is an asset class as are the US Bonds.

USD/JPY has an effect on EUR/JPY which in turn has a big effect on EUR/USD

As money moves into the US Bonds when market risk is an issue then as funds leave the Dow then it goes into Bonds.

In the case tonight as the Dow Futures are up and the US Dollar is stronger because now the focus goes back to the problems in Europe with the debt issues there. Gold now sells off $15 and US Dollars are back in hand going to the Dow.

The money flow leads the charts especially as new fundamentals are in play.

At times near 2:00 AM to 4:00 AM EST and 7:30 AM to 10:30 AM EST there are price action patterns in EUR/USD.

That I have learned through real trading experience.

Your post was the first time the name Felix came on my radar screen. The reason I mention Jacko is because he was the Guru a FF and he turned out to be other than he claimed to be.

When you trade you need all the tools, Discipline, Risk Management, Trade Plan, Technicals and Fundamentals and at least $10,000 US to trade with. I have traded over $250,000 at one time through PAMM.

Have a good trading week.

Again, if it works for you, fine.

There is a simple method to test systems. A simple question.

Is it bringing money to your account or taking money out of it?

After years of struggle I really believe I found my system. I'm not smarter than anybody else, I just found something that works for me and may not work for everybody.
Forex or bust!
Member Since Jul 20, 2011   175 posts
Aug 01, 2011 at 11:50 (edited Aug 01, 2011 at 11:50)
I was tricked last week a few times because it seems that the triple retest shifted a little higher/lower and was not triggering my trade. From now on I will try to enter on the second failed attempt of a support or resistance.

I already lost the opportunity @ 1.4379 but got the one at 1.4448 currently at +20. My SL is at -15 but I doubt I will let this trade go beyond -5 if it goes against me. My target is anywhere around 1.4405 lets see how it goes.
Forex or bust!
Member Since Jul 20, 2011   175 posts
Aug 01, 2011 at 12:30 (edited Aug 01, 2011 at 12:30)
Ok, target hited @ 4405 for +42 pips. My week is starting good 😁
Forex or bust!
Member Since Jan 14, 2010   2279 posts
Aug 01, 2011 at 13:14
Nice trading. You must have shorted the thing?
Member Since Jul 24, 2011   23 posts
Aug 01, 2011 at 15:41
For TheOracle

You have made the point that makes sense for you.

We all have different personalities and methods. You summarized it for yourself and I understand. As for zero there is only one solution as relates to yourself. Stick to your business and do not engaqe in dialogue since it serves no purpose unless you agree and do whatever he says or suggests.

zero is a very angry person and so be it as that is his choice. i ALSO MEAN HIM NO HARM AND JUST HOPE HE MOVES ON AND DOES HIS THING. Peace out and good day.
Member Since Jul 20, 2011   175 posts
Aug 01, 2011 at 17:43 (edited Aug 01, 2011 at 17:49)
Ok since my family was out today meaning that the house was quiet i decide to trade until later. Got all my positions squared now.

My first trade was a short for +42 pips than I lost 15 pips trying to go long around 4265. Got the right direction on another long @ 4195 trade that I closed for +35 pips.

+62 pips not bad for a monday 😁! I used to get frustrated in days like today when the market moves a lot and I get relatively few pips, but over the years i learned that consistence is more important that big gains.

Since London the pair moved 268 pips and in the old days i would be trading (gambling) all over this big drop. I remember one night in 2007 when i made 2 grand in 30 minutes shorting the cable. But i also remember very well when 30 grand went down the drain due to my margin call err shorting the cable.

62 pips may not be much in a day like this but for the last 6 or 8 months I'm making consistent pips each week. i kinda miss the adrenaline rush of making good money in minutes but i like better my stress free and "turtle" pips now!

See you guys tomorrow !
Forex or bust!
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