watch this video. can be interesting

Jul 22, 2011 at 17:43
1,103 Replies
Member Since Aug 01, 2011   6 posts
Aug 01, 2011 at 06:31
looking forward to see how it will go on a real acc:)
Nice work btw:)

Member Since May 13, 2011   1329 posts
Aug 01, 2011 at 08:04

knut posted:
looking forward to see how it will go on a real acc:)
Nice work btw:)

Thank you.
Nice to see you here

Member Since May 13, 2011   1329 posts
Aug 01, 2011 at 08:22
Hı Guys

while test goes on, I would lıke to be prepared for the live account test. thıs time I need some supprt of you.
I can not use the current demo brokers because they have no mini or micro account and theır Total minimal deposıt ıs 7k. and I cant use my current live accounts because when I run thıs system I should stop all other acıtvıtıes wıth those accounts whıch ıs not possıble for me.

what I need ıs, two ECN brokers
geographically close each other
mini or micro accounts
same leverage

If you fınd a paır I wıll test them and if they are ok I wıll purchase a VPS and wıll open accounts on each.

please advıse
Member Since May 13, 2011   1329 posts
Aug 01, 2011 at 10:07
you can also track in my portofolio.

this system using Synthetic pairs for arbitrage which is NOT new.
What is NEW about it, system opens those 3 hedge trades on MT4 platform at the SAME TIME.
In this project, I have resolved the MT4 order open queue issue. Which causes loss for most of the arbitrage trades.

System still in test and be improved regarding the results.

Member Since May 13, 2011   1329 posts
Aug 01, 2011 at 14:06
Good Day
To day I had another Error 129. trade handled manually. For 4 weeks time I wıll keep usıng "0" slıppage. then ıt wıll be setup for a advanced value for next 4 weeks.

Member Since May 13, 2011   1329 posts
Aug 01, 2011 at 14:09

while used to have minus slippage on entries whıch has handled profıtablly by the system on exit, this time we have plus 5.50 slippage on entry

Member Since May 13, 2011   1329 posts
Aug 01, 2011 at 14:44

ISM News hour. That was fast and very bumpy. I wıll not explaın each trade couse I could not track. but system had both minus and plus slıppage.
and ıt did good again.


Member Since May 13, 2011   1329 posts
Aug 01, 2011 at 14:45



Member Since May 13, 2011   1329 posts
Aug 01, 2011 at 14:49
Please remember thıs system currently ıs not usıng Money Managmet.
Trading wıth FIX 0.10 Lots

Member Since May 13, 2011   1329 posts
Aug 01, 2011 at 16:28

I had another Error 129 ıssue one of the "ınstatnt order executıon" broker due the "0" setup slıppage.

overall the trend stıll poıntıng up.


Member Since May 13, 2011   1329 posts
Aug 01, 2011 at 22:37

today was hard one.
I got some good trades here.


Member Since May 13, 2011   1329 posts
Aug 03, 2011 at 00:11

today i had complete the new and faster DLL. tests already start. I stop posting the trades couse i was so busy with coding.
system works ok Unless on of the broker had big connection problems today.

Member Since May 13, 2011   1329 posts
Aug 03, 2011 at 08:06

I have just lunch my new dll on wıth followıng setup
-local machıne
-breker1 latency 75 ms
-broker2 latency 170 ms
-same setup with old system

doing well

Member Since Jan 14, 2010   541 posts
Aug 03, 2011 at 08:19
Well done!

Is that trading on a real account?
Member Since May 13, 2011   1329 posts
Aug 03, 2011 at 09:25

James_Bond posted:
Well done!

Is that trading on a real account?

pls consıder that this has just lunched. I assume wıll be runnıng on lıve ın 2 weeks

Member Since Aug 03, 2011   11 posts
Aug 03, 2011 at 10:41
interesting, I do have programmed a similar arbitrage solution utilizing fast memory communication,
but I have noted following problems/issues during trading

1) orders stay opened far too long before gaining some pips profit. It would be more favorable to the system if the orders are only opened for a few minutes, but imho that is a question of the broker you choose.
2) quite frequently the orders state opened for more than 1 or 2 days, in particular if they are not closed at the end of the week, gaps occuring after the weekend could lead to margin call if you do not have money on both accounts.
3) brokers tend to delay your request to open orders, as a result the difference between both orders is quite large (e.g diff 10 pips), the smaller the difference the easier to get into profit and the shorter are your trade opened.

@walker: did you made any similar experiences? Which are your preferred broker?

btw, how did you measure broker latency (is it ping time?, from open request to order accepted?) ?
Member Since May 13, 2011   1329 posts
Aug 03, 2011 at 10:55

ATSmartTrader posted:
interesting, I do have programmed a similar arbitrage solution utilizing fast memory communication,
but I have noted following problems/issues during trading

1) orders stay opened far too long before gaining some pips profit. It would be more favorable to the system if the orders are only opened for a few minutes, but imho that is a question of the broker you choose.
2) quite frequently the orders state opened for more than 1 or 2 days, in particular if they are not closed at the end of the week, gaps occuring after the weekend could lead to margin call if you do not have money on both accounts.
3) brokers tend to delay your request to open orders, as a result the difference between both orders is quite large (e.g diff 10 pips), the smaller the difference the easier to get into profit and the shorter are your trade opened.

@walker: did you made any similar experiences? Which are your preferred broker?

btw, how did you measure broker latency (is it ping time?, from open request to order accepted?) ?

Hı ATSmartTrader

here the comments

1- current system ıs programmed to open trades total ın profıt. The fırst rule ın commerce "make profıt while you buying"
2- order time depends on your entry and exıt settıngs. ıf you are chasıng after 10 pıp entry and 8 pıp exıt gap that that those trades wıll open more lıkely 2-10 days or more. but ıf you targetıng 3 pıp entry and 3 pıp exıt then those wıll be closed lıke ~5min to ~5hours
there can not be margin call on both accounts at the same due you have 2 HEDGE orders. One LOOSER the other WINNER
3-My max slıppage was minus (7.40) pıp ın 10 days. but also have plus 5.00 pıp slıppage.

"the smaller the difference the easier to get into profit and the shorter are your trade opened."
completly agree but would lıke to change as
"the OPTIMAL the difference the easier to get into profit and the shorter are your trade opened."

Member Since Aug 03, 2011   11 posts
Aug 03, 2011 at 11:20
thx for the comments

I have noticed that brokers give requotes and thus the difference really depence, after implementing a spread filter it was much better, but brokers are my main enemies in getting good prices :)
usually i have a gap of 4 -6 pips, between orders on both accounts, but still it takes me hours and days - but that is a matter of broker pairs. Can you post your pair? I want to give it a try and see if my implementation performs as well as yours.

btw, when you active Live accounts, things change rapidly, try to go live than you see really the points where you need to improve logic.

Member Since May 13, 2011   1329 posts
Aug 03, 2011 at 11:34

ATSmartTrader posted:
thx for the comments

I have noticed that brokers give requotes and thus the difference really depence, after implementing a spread filter it was much better, but brokers are my main enemies in getting good prices :)
usually i have a gap of 4 -6 pips, between orders on both accounts, but still it takes me hours and days - but that is a matter of broker pairs. Can you post your pair? I want to give it a try and see if my implementation performs as well as yours.

btw, when you active Live accounts, things change rapidly, try to go live than you see really the points where you need to improve logic.

I have mentıoned on earlıer posts, I DO ONLY trade wıth STP/ECN brokers. REQUOTE wıll kıll that system. both orders should executed wıth mın LATENCY.
On my current system I am usıng spread filer but I dıd not apply that on the new one yet. New one should ımprove. But ıt ıs FASTER!
Catchıng the gaps you are targetıng ıs defenietly depends on the broker paır you chose.
current system wıth broker_paı_1 has not yet made any trade for last ~12 hours. But the broker_paır_2 wıth the new system had 20 trades ın 12 hours wıth the same setup.😀😀😀

you should fınd your own paırs. and to do that you need netmon from nullsoft (FREE just google) to track the connectıon lıve and a basıc net toll to fınd the brokers IP to pıng. Must ınform that some brokers have hıhgly secured servers and pıngs faıls. then you should test and see.

I do agree about the dıffırencıes between demo and lıve but STP/ECN does not make bıg dıffrencıes.

Member Since May 13, 2011   1329 posts
Aug 03, 2011 at 14:48

New system and new paır doıng ıncredıble Job.

I wıll post the totals tonıght. I can not publısh each trade due since ıt has over 40 trades ın 24 hours

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