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Advice for trading begginers
会员从Aug 21, 2024开始
会员从Aug 21, 2024开始
Aug 21, 2024 at 13:55
会员从Aug 21, 2024开始
Jihoon8080 posted:Sadiajoshi2121 posted:
Asslamu-alikum! i m a newbie in trading , My main job is translator and i am working as a freelancer but i want to increase my income and i decided to enter trading field so i need to know from where i must begin
Ahaa! look first of all try to learn the fundmentals well and don't start with real trades just practise on the demo accounts
Yaar! what are the main fundmentals i should study and if you can give me the sources i can study form
会员从Aug 20, 2024开始
Aug 21, 2024 at 13:59
会员从Aug 20, 2024开始
Sadiajoshi2121 posted:Jihoon8080 posted:Sadiajoshi2121 posted:
Asslamu-alikum! i m a newbie in trading , My main job is translator and i am working as a freelancer but i want to increase my income and i decided to enter trading field so i need to know from where i must begin
Ahaa! look first of all try to learn the fundmentals well and don't start with real trades just practise on the demo accounts
Yaar! what are the main fundmentals i should study and if you can give me the sources i can study form
learn analysis 'CUZ it's very important there are 2 kinds of analysis fundmental and technichal . As for the sources you can watch Youtube video toturilas and the educational cources on Olymptrade will help you alot
会员从May 08, 2023开始
Aug 22, 2024 at 02:37
会员从May 08, 2023开始
Sadiajoshi2121 posted:
Asslamu-alikum! i m a newbie in trading , My main job is translator and i am working as a freelancer but i want to increase my income and i decided to enter trading field so i need to know from where i must begin
Hello and welcome, you have such a long road ahead of you be patient and learn first. You can start easily by learning fundamentals which is a bit simpler you can trade news basically which is easy but not guaranteed because nothing is guaranteed in this market but still. You can start your technical road by learning MAs for a simple start to your strategies.
会员从Apr 23, 2024开始
会员从Aug 25, 2024开始
Sep 02, 2024 at 11:46
会员从Feb 12, 2016开始
DanishKumar412 posted:VictorOlagunjuFx posted:
Practice demo account very well before trading real. If you ain't consistently profitable with demo account, you will certainly not with real accounts.
yeas brother , i already do this on Olymptrade demo account , i really feel very safe as long as i'm practicing with no real money
Why agree on those disadvantageous payouts (lose 100, gain 80) when there are much better places in terms of risk-reward.. take any regulated ECN broker like HFM, Exness.. lots of instruments and much more flexilbility in managing risk
会员从Sep 02, 2024开始
