belief systems, intelligence and trading..

Aug 15, 2011 at 03:10
48 Replies
Member Since Jan 26, 2011   974 posts
Aug 15, 2011 at 03:10
the world's economies/currency markets operate as an intelligent mechanism.

i studied that mechanism that we call intelligence.

the most common thing that intelligence does is that it rejects new ideas and new information, by default.

i also studied belief systems, a primary component of the intelligence mechanism.

beliefs are thoughts that have been received multiple times as input and are processed until verified as being true or false.

belief systems dictate which thought processes will be rejected or not rejected.

this is currency trading 101.

Member Since Jan 26, 2011   974 posts
Aug 15, 2011 at 03:11
i am working on a very sexy math problem.

ouch. i tried something new and lost eighty bucks.

like a fool, i have these perfect numbers right in front of me and i go and try something new.

go figure.

position closed.

balance: 482.66

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Member Since Jan 26, 2011   974 posts
Aug 15, 2011 at 03:18
i have placed two positions recently on a 400:1 australian ibfx demo account.

position #1, ballparkish 100% profit..

position #2, 7.5k profit using 1.4k of margin.

Member Since Jul 23, 2010   70 posts
Aug 15, 2011 at 05:44
cool. you know I saw thievery corp with sts9 at red rocks...
go with the flow; just be on the right end of the wave
Member Since Jan 26, 2011   974 posts
Aug 15, 2011 at 19:52
no positions open atm.

Member Since Jan 26, 2011   974 posts
Aug 16, 2011 at 18:16
the rules for this experiment:

1. read the three steps of the experiment only.
2. do not carry out any of the experiment's instructions.

the experiment:

1. look directly out towards the horizon, but look up about fifteen degrees above the horizon...
2. visualize a clock at that position, a standard analog clock with large hands and a second hand..
3. visualize the second hand moving steadily, beginning at the twelve and sweeping clockwise..

Member Since Jul 23, 2010   70 posts
Aug 16, 2011 at 20:21
I don't get it... What is this experiment supposed to determine? Is this a trader psychology analogy?
LIke, don't imagine a pink elephant?
go with the flow; just be on the right end of the wave
Member Since Jan 26, 2011   974 posts
Aug 16, 2011 at 23:03 (edited Aug 16, 2011 at 23:13)
mr del,

your participation is appreciated.

a. did you follow the two instructions?

b. did you read the three steps of the experiment?

c. did you visualize a clock, even tho i instructed you not to carry out the experiment?

more questions will follow.

thank you.


Member Since Jul 23, 2010   70 posts
Aug 16, 2011 at 23:13
a. yes the first time I did follow the instructions, I read all three steps without carrying out any of the steps.
b. Yes I read the three steps.
c. I did not visualize a clock the first time, just simply read it.
go with the flow; just be on the right end of the wave
Member Since Jan 26, 2011   974 posts
Aug 16, 2011 at 23:42 (edited Aug 16, 2011 at 23:46)
hmmm, that is odd, i was expecting that you would visualize the clock.

oh well, no worries.

now, visualize the clock, in your mind...

watch the second hand move from the twelve to the one and then to the two and then to the three and so on...

imagine a very smooth second hand...

watch it in your mind, beginning at the twelve position.

again, thank you.

are you able to visualize a smooth and steady second hand, and for how long?
Member Since Jul 23, 2010   70 posts
Aug 16, 2011 at 23:49
it is hard for me to visualize the second hand moving and still picture the whole clock (big hands) its like I can only see the fragment of the image of the second hand moving at the outer edge, across a few seconds.

am I still supposed to point my head 15 degrees above the horizon?

so basically I see it in "my mind's eye" as fragments, but not really one whole things like I see in the picture above.

phew... these mental gymnastics are a wonderful workout!
go with the flow; just be on the right end of the wave
Member Since Jan 26, 2011   974 posts
Aug 16, 2011 at 23:55

horse1bun posted:
it is hard for me to visualize the second hand moving and still picture the whole clock (big hands) its like I can only see the fragment of the image of the second hand moving at the outer edge, across a few seconds.

am I still supposed to point my head 15 degrees above the horizon?

so basically I see it in "my mind's eye" as fragments, but not really one whole things like I see in the picture above.

phew... these mental gymnastics are a wonderful workout!

this is wonderful.

you said what i was looking for...

are thoughts fragmented?

that's what i am saying.

when i try it, i am able to visualize the clock's second hand for maybe five seconds at a time, steadily, but then it sorta glitches, kinda like a jittery video that is missing frames or whatever..

the 15 degrees issue was just to add something to the experiment that really means nothing.

in closing, if thoughts are fragmented... this affects how they will be stored and then it also affects their retrieval methods/etc..

again, thank you.


Member Since Jan 26, 2011   974 posts
Aug 16, 2011 at 23:58 (edited Aug 17, 2011 at 00:05)
another little thing that i experiment with is that i like to watch people as they are pressing the button to cross a crosswalk..

how many times do i find myself pressing the button, even tho i just saw somebody else press the button?

it probably means nothing.

creativity and imagination, which are close relatives of each other, are two important components of that mechanism that we call intelligence.

my imagination tends to run wild and sometimes it just simply runs away from home.

a test for intelligence: ask some person to say something creative and then just shut up and listen.. with many people, you will be able to hear a pin drop that it will get so quiet.. but me, i just ask you if you would like to pick the topic or should i?


Member Since Jul 23, 2010   70 posts
Aug 17, 2011 at 00:00
maybe I was lying earlier... I may have used an image of a clock, in my head as a reference point, even though I was THINKING of the WORD clock. I ignored it at first, but it happened so briefly... with a visual object, something I am used to "looking" at my whole life, I think of thought in terms of sight, in an arrangement of objects that are grouped with words, in logical order of relevance to their characteristics as a visually stimulating set of objects, and motions, if that makes sense.

ANd as i practice visualizing the clock, my seconds get smoother, and I can now visualize the second hand going from :60/:00 to :01 and then I imagine the minute advance to, for example, 4:19-4:20, in unison with the second hand striking :01. And then I can visualize the second hand moving faster, and in turn speed up the whole clock so the "hour" hand moves smoothly, in my minds eye, even though, AGAIN it is flashes, or fragments, that I use to tween the motion in my brain, rather than actually moving through each spot representatively.
go with the flow; just be on the right end of the wave
Member Since Jan 26, 2011   974 posts
Aug 17, 2011 at 00:07 (edited Aug 17, 2011 at 00:10)
so, are you saying that even tho i instructed you to NOT carry out the experiment that you actually did visualize the clock, even if it was only for a brief moment?


i found the following image on the web, ages ago, just thought i'd show it to you, maybe you will find it interesting.

Member Since Jan 26, 2011   974 posts
Aug 17, 2011 at 00:54 (edited Aug 17, 2011 at 01:03)
now comes the time for me to say something that will cause every last person to vacate the room..

i am working on the design of a truly leading indicator.

okey dokey.


Member Since Jul 23, 2010   70 posts
Aug 17, 2011 at 01:06
lucky for you I can't think off the top of my head what a leading indicator means, I assume its opposite of a lagging indicator
I can lend some more thoughts, if you'd like
go with the flow; just be on the right end of the wave
Member Since Jan 26, 2011   974 posts
Aug 17, 2011 at 01:10 (edited Aug 17, 2011 at 01:31)
horse1bun posted:
lucky for you I can't think off the top of my head what a leading indicator means, I assume its opposite of a lagging indicator
I can lend some more thoughts, if you'd like

leading is pretty much the opposite of lagging, precisely.

if a particular pair is at 1.3100 and i know that it is going to go up, like that..

i do realize that the odds of my putting this thing together are slim to none..

but i like those odds.

::I can lend some more thoughts, if you'd like
ok.. omg, i have a new friend that likes to play...

Member Since Jan 26, 2011   974 posts
Aug 17, 2011 at 07:20
i am working on a very sexy math problem.

position closed.

balance: 495.72

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Member Since Jan 26, 2011   974 posts
Aug 17, 2011 at 23:01

there are no positions/trades open atm.

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