Myfxbook aided optimization vote results

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Myfxbook aided optimization Discussion

Aug 27, 2014 at 14:49
1 Replies
Member Since Nov 05, 2010   4 posts
Aug 27, 2014 at 14:49
i was just looking at the results from one of my ea and i was thinking it would be good if i could modify the results i got in myfxbook eg being able to reduce tp and sl set in by the ea and seeing how it would affect the results, basically showing what could have been in those trading situations if you reduced the tp and sl by amount, you cannot do this with increasing tp and sl because we are not sure if market went the further but where tp and sl were hit we can test and simulate what could have been had we only gone for lesser pips than the original trades did.

this would easily help me make a lot of money right now if i had it available

Live long and prosper
Member Since Jun 14, 2017   1 posts
Mar 26, 2019 at 11:05
I was just about to add this idea to the suggestions box.... 5 years after this has been posted!

A tool to test SL and TP and duration altering to count the number of winners/losers its cuts out would be amazing
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