PantheraTrade server resultados de voto
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Discusión PantheraTrade server
Miembro desde Jul 31, 2009
posts 1418
Jul 13, 2021 at 06:07
Miembro desde Jul 31, 2009
posts 1418
The broker "Lego Markets" is blocked by our servers but you still can connect the account to Myfxbook portfolio via the EA connection method and use all the analytical tools Myfxbook offers and you will be able to connect an account to your portfolio.
Miembro desde May 23, 2020
posts 1
Oct 17, 2021 at 04:46
Miembro desde May 23, 2020
posts 1
Staff posted:
The broker "Lego Markets" is blocked by our servers but you still can connect the account to Myfxbook portfolio via the EA connection method and use all the analytical tools Myfxbook offers and you will be able to connect an account to your portfolio.
Can you give us the details of this blockage?
Thanking you.

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