Flex EA - TrendSurfer - Real (By flexea)

Gain : +292.64%
Drawdown 84.99%
Pips: 4074.5
Trades 313
Type: Real
Leverage: 1:500
Trading: Automated

Flex EA - TrendSurfer - Real Discussion

Jan 19, 2016 at 22:21
17 Replies
Member Since Jan 09, 2016   11 posts
Mar 18, 2016 at 07:44
Hello. What Strategy did you set? Thanks
Member Since Sep 04, 2015   14 posts
Mar 18, 2016 at 08:06
TrendSurfer with 0.5 Risk, 10% Floating TP PCT and TP_Mode set to allCharts
Member Since Jan 09, 2016   11 posts
Mar 25, 2016 at 10:53

What had happened between Feb 24th and Mar 23rd ? There's a lot of Drawdown..!!
Member Since Mar 28, 2016   65 posts
Mar 29, 2016 at 06:48
I noticed that too. It does show that this is equity draw down, which could represent several open negative trades that await pull back. The balance line on the graph still shows profitable progression.
Sometimes you get the bear; sometimes the bear gets you.
Member Since Mar 28, 2016   65 posts
Mar 29, 2016 at 06:48
Oh yeah, I went back and looked and this account is currently carrying 14 negative trades. Of course these are not realized losses as yet and may pull back before being stopped out. This would be something to consider in your setting for loss mitigation by limiting the number of open trades the program has at any given time. It's a powerful feature to help in your risk management.
Sometimes you get the bear; sometimes the bear gets you.
Member Since Mar 28, 2016   65 posts
Mar 29, 2016 at 06:49
This was also one of the reasons I've been staying away from Trend Surfer Strategy for the moment.

It takes many trades along a trend (in the case of this account there are 7 open trades on NZD/CAD!). This problem I see right now is that it took multiple trades IAW the Trail Trigger function, but the Trailing Mode, which is supposed to lock in trades with a moving trailing stop is not functioning currently. Steve at Forex Flex Support is working on the issue at this time, and has replied back to me yesterday.

Once this is fixed, this strategy can be a big money maker for big moves in the market.

Glenn Shelton

Message body


Yes I'm aware there is an issue with the trailing mode kicking in with the trend mode on. I'm working on a viable fix for it.

Forex Flex EA Support

On 2016-03-24 20:48, Glenn Shelton wrote:
> Hi I purchased ForexFlex last week, and noticed that one operation doesn't seem to function. I have Trailing Mode on, with Trend Mode on, but the TrendTrailTrigger doesn't seem to initiate protecting previous trades along a trend. Everything else seems to work great and profitable.
Sometimes you get the bear; sometimes the bear gets you.
Member Since Mar 28, 2016   65 posts
Mar 30, 2016 at 06:30
This one is listed with the same name but has much better performance stats. https://www.myfxbook.com/members/flexea/flex-ea-trendsurfer-real/1561706

I sent a message to the support desk. Hope they will share their settings for that account.
Sometimes you get the bear; sometimes the bear gets you.
Member Since Jan 11, 2016   9 posts
Mar 30, 2016 at 09:56
I've asked the same to support after buying the EA...nobody answer to my email since now...
Member Since Mar 28, 2016   65 posts
Mar 31, 2016 at 06:27
Hi all, for those of you who are fans of this EA, I heard back from Steve. He will be posting the .set file soon for this trade strategy. More to come. Happy trading.


Ok I will try to get the .set file posted in the members area soon.

Forex Flex EA Support

On 2016-03-29 21:16, Glenn Shelton wrote:
> Hi, the Flex EA - TrendSurfer listed on Myfxbook.com seems to be doing well with a high win percent. There are two accounts listed with the heading "Flex EA - TrendSurfer - REAL". Can you provide me the settings for the one that was opened on 22Feb16?
> This one seems to be weathering events really well and several of us would like to copy the setting used? I'm not sure how often messages are checked on the Myfxbook site so though to ask with an e-mail.
> Thank you ahead of time!
Sometimes you get the bear; sometimes the bear gets you.
Member Since Jan 11, 2016   9 posts
Mar 31, 2016 at 06:58
Good! but I still waiting for them to reply to my emails.
Don't know why nobody answer to my emails. is the [email protected] the right address?
I'm close to ask a refund if they keep ignoring my messages!
Member Since Mar 28, 2016   65 posts
Apr 01, 2016 at 07:05
[email protected] is the one Steve has been replying to me at. I imagine he gets lots of e-mail messages. Try something catchy in the subject line to get his attention (nothing crazy heh, just something that tells him what you need so he can know it's not just a spam mail or general gripe). He's replied to both of my e-mails (at 3 days turnaround each). If it's just him and not a company, he's gotta pick your e-mail out of a lot of them.

If it was me and only me and I made the EA, and was buried under hundreds of e-mails with general questions, I probably would focus on those that have specific issues related to the operation of the software first, then stovepipe the rest by priority. Not defending him or anything but try to put it into perspective. If you want him to have your message at the top of the list, you might have to put something in the subject that he might say "Hey, this is something I need to look at." Not saying that you didn't, but just in case...

I think overall the operation of the program is pretty good. I can see where folks can bust their account quickly though if they set too high of a risk. Even trying to be conservative; until I knew was I was doing, I set up a few losing strategies starting out.

I'm playing around with some modified .set strategies but moved those to demo now. I've been doing okay with X3 so far with the setting I have. I'm going to let it run through the rest of this week so I get a good feel of it. When I first started it I won 11 trades and had only one loss for a small amount... and like a noob I changed the settings from what I had and got nicked a few times. I also do some manual trading using the Engulfing Candle system, as well as Pin Bar and Fakey Pin Bar setups. I take trades on those when in overbought or oversold positions, at resistance or support levels, or at the top/bottom lines of the bollinger bands. I think this EA can give some good side income when I'm at work or sleeping which I really like the thought of.

Lets keep the conversation going on this EA. Share .set files on our strategies and see if we can collectively get the best settings on it for its strategies.
Sometimes you get the bear; sometimes the bear gets you.
Member Since Jan 28, 2016   3 posts
May 23, 2016 at 06:53

Hi Glen, I have this EA running on live account now with $500. So far so good, i have been watching it on every trade it has opened and have closed some as i was confident of direction and didnt want to get stuck with open negative trades.

Default setting on GBPUSD USDCAD USDCHF USDJPY NZDUSD AUDUSD (i used these pairs because of the success on the Flex accounts on here

And also pairs on 3xRetrace from the accounts here with profit overall.

I haven't delved into creating my own settings yet but will maybe look at that soon. It is a great EA, really clever, and looking forward for the Trendsurfer to work, what would be good would be to get it to trade on a long term scale, like for example July 2014 - Feb 2015 on GBPUSD when it fell from 1.71 - 1.46 , imagine the amount of trades you could have long term going down that amount of pips :)
Member Since Feb 03, 2016   11 posts
May 24, 2016 at 06:45
DD of 85%????? Now equity 66%. Those ea is working until its catched in a strong trend against the positions. There is no way out. I traded flex last year and this is exactly what will happen sooner or later. No grid or marty can survive in the long run.
Take out profits on weekly basis and pray that it will least long enough to cover the cost of this ea and the funding before it blows the account.

Member Since Jan 28, 2016   3 posts
Jul 17, 2016 at 06:26
MIII posted:
DD of 85%????? Now equity 66%. Those ea is working until its catched in a strong trend against the positions. There is no way out. I traded flex last year and this is exactly what will happen sooner or later. No grid or marty can survive in the long run.
Take out profits on weekly basis and pray that it will least long enough to cover the cost of this ea and the funding before it blows the account.


I have a suggestion, flex is set to 35% stop out, at 20% I opened a trade in the opposite direction to flex trades, and when the stop out happened, my opposite trade ended the full sequence in profit.

It is a good EA if you manage it and watch it, you can't leave any EA to trade alone.
Member Since Mar 28, 2016   65 posts
Jul 17, 2016 at 12:29
MIII posted:
DD of 85%????? Now equity 66%. Those ea is working until its catched in a strong trend against the positions. There is no way out. I traded flex last year and this is exactly what will happen sooner or later. No grid or marty can survive in the long run.
Take out profits on weekly basis and pray that it will least long enough to cover the cost of this ea and the funding before it blows the account.

MIII you do know you can change the settings so you don't have lot multipliers? So if you don't want to accept the risks of martingaling or grid system, you take two or three seconds to change the settings so it doesn't use this function. Set lot multiplier to 1, this will keep your settings so it doesn't martingale. And number of trades to 1, and pip step multipliers to 1. Then you won't have to worry about grid.

Once you've done this, you can use the EA as a standard EA and set your own stop losses, trailing stops, take profit etc... and still take advantage of the virtual trades to increase your chances of having great win percentages that net profit in the long run.

I outlined Steve's strategy in an earlier post so you can look back and read it if you want, but basically, he has many accounts and his strategy involved high risk, which includes accepting one or two account blow ups, because the remaining accounts profits more than make up for the losses. If you aren't using Steve's multiple account martingale/grid strategy, don't go with Steve's high draw down settings.

The beauty of this EA is that YOU have full control of the settings to your risk appetite. If there are parameters that you don't see in the EA that you would like to have added so that you can implement your own strategy, why not e-mail Steve at support and request that they be added. From the last four months I have been using this EA, Steve has been very open to constructive feedback, and works diligently to fix any bugs found, and add new features.
Sometimes you get the bear; sometimes the bear gets you.
Member Since Mar 28, 2016   65 posts
Jul 17, 2016 at 12:35
No martingale or grid setting, with safe parameters.


Sometimes you get the bear; sometimes the bear gets you.
Member Since Jan 11, 2016   9 posts
Aug 17, 2016 at 08:51
Dear all,
I saw a lot of update coming out for this EA...is it possible to have a dedicated section here or on the website where the members can download all the settings for all the strategies incited of enter every time the parameters ? I would also appreciate an email communication once the updates are released...i just discovered that i was using a very old version...and i do not check the website very often

Member Since Feb 03, 2016   11 posts
Aug 17, 2016 at 09:09
sheltongw posted:

MIII you do know you can change the settings so you don't have lot multipliers? So if you don't want to accept the risks of martingaling or grid system, you take two or three seconds to change the settings so it doesn't use this function. Set lot multiplier to 1, this will keep your settings so it doesn't martingale. And number of trades to 1, and pip step multipliers to 1. Then you won't have to worry about grid.

Once you've done this, you can use the EA as a standard EA and set your own stop losses, trailing stops, take profit etc... and still take advantage of the virtual trades to increase your chances of having great win percentages that net profit in the long run.


The beauty of this EA is that YOU have full control of the settings to your risk appetite. If there are parameters that you don't see in the EA that you would like to have added so that you can implement your own strategy, why not e-mail Steve at support and request that they be added. From the last four months I have been using this EA, Steve has been very open to constructive feedback, and works diligently to fix any bugs found, and add new features.

Yes thats true. I never traded the ea this way and i dont know how the virtual trades will affect the win rate. But keep in mind no one can predict the future. Hopefully the strategy is solid and you will make some money in the long run with your safe settings.

best regards
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