Gold Key (By dailezx)

Gain : -99.9%
Drawdown 100.00%
Pips: -17619.2
Trades 350
Type: Real
Leverage: 1:2100000000
Trading: Manual

Gold Key Discussion

Jan 30 at 13:50
4 Replies
Member Since Jan 30, 2024   5 posts
Jan 30 at 14:26
Purely handmade, only made of gold! Most of them are short-term within the day, and choose the opportunity to participate in swing trading. The only original signal source on the entire network. Obtain the wealth password through the trading volume and K-line pattern of the Asian, European and American markets!
Member Since Jan 30, 2024   5 posts
Jan 30 at 14:44
Member Since Jan 30, 2024   5 posts
Jan 30 at 17:07
hretyui posted:
deposit 3.83 cent 😂😂😂
Yes, a deposit of $3.83
Member Since Jan 30, 2024   5 posts
Jan 31 at 13:06
Night 3:00 am interest rate resolution, gold from the technical side of the trend judgment, rebound focus on 2046 short, stop loss 2052, the target first look at 2025 broken down the end point of 1985
Member Since Jan 30, 2024   5 posts
Feb 01 at 12:14
Gold late rally focus on 2039.5-2043, if the direct decline focus on 2020 support
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