REV Trader PRO REAL (By revtraderpro)

Gain : +3474.7%
Drawdown 24.25%
Pips: 3809.5
Trades 938
Type: Real
Leverage: 1:400
Trading: Automated

REV Trader PRO REAL Discussion

Oct 12, 2014 at 15:20
1,733 Replies
Member Since May 20, 2011   694 posts
Nov 26, 2014 at 20:09
youngchang posted:
FXtrader2010 posted:
youngchang posted:
FXtrader2010 posted:
No EA will ever be exactly the same as vendor account unless they trading your account through an EA which this is not that! ! ! ! Always test EA's on demo before going live!

We are not talking about "exactly the same as vendor account".
Vendor account made 16 pips profits and my account ended up 30 pips loss on last trade.

I think it is serious if it is doing continues or once in a while
Are you using the update.txt settings or only open one trade per pair? My results are almost exact same as vendor and I use pepperstone!!!

Hi Fxtrader,
I just installed it by default with setfile. just changed the lot size.
I think it open one trade per pair by default, right?
Do you think is it the reason that my account is not the same as vendor's?

My broker is finfx

that is why, read the test file, settings are different for vendor . More risk as it will average into a positon where default it is only one trade. Bot hare good,
Member Since Nov 09, 2014   57 posts
Nov 27, 2014 at 07:46
ddr555 posted:
namminh75 posted:
paolos posted:
Also my demo account on Synergy (the same brokers of revpro myfxbook account) has the same problem

opened the trade at 17:00 @ 1.24191 and close today at 16:37 @ 1.24506 - 31 pips lost

it's quite strange that the real account opened 1 our later than all the other !

if there was a problem of slippage, this problem is the real account myfxbook which opened an hour later, and not all the other accounts

Hi fellow traders,

Actually we have to go into the system of our vendor and make an analysis about it.

First the system of our vendor called Revprotrader. Rev is the short form for reversal. The system only trades on a reversal point with the three given and fixed categories: 1) High Low,2) Stoch and 3) MA. When all these three mentioned categories match the same condition,e.g. short,short short or long long long, then position will be opened. The system therefore ignores on fake signal or high volatility of the market; so that means the markets can go up and down like they want but the system will not open any position,if the conditions are not matched.

So far so good. Now the question is: why positions for the same pairs on the same chart(1hour chart time frame) have been opened with different rates? By chance I was at home at that time and I set up in my MT4 email alerts. That means if positions are opened,then MT4 emailed me. As my position for E/U was opened at 1.241xx with the EA from our vendor,I was very eager to see how it was executed. So on my screen three categories were matched at that time…short short short. It was quite strange,for the market seems to be pulled up at that moment and the system gives the short signal. The categories short have appeared not so long,then it was disappeared again,while the eurusd pulled further up. Till the rate reaches the level of 1.243xx the system shows again the short short short categories on the screen.

Well at the time when my position was opened I went to the page of vendor at and saw no trade was opened.
Vendor’s trade but was opened lately at the latest time at discussed above. Now the question is: why the position of our vendor was not executed at the same time like us and there are some possible reasons:

1) The differences of rates between brokers,therefore the EA also calculates differently.
2) The server traffics between brokers,some have large server traffic and some have very small.
3) The using of VPS and direct connection. That means if our MT4 at that time run through on deskstop and the positions have been executed might be different as the executed positions which have been run through VPS only due to the band width thereof etc.
I can only think of three reasons above. Maybe you have more ideas about.

Hi Minh!
You have done good analysis of RTP EA. I think of some short of filter with sequence of events of these three indicators such as MA cross over may be first occurrence then second occurrence should be Stoch and third occurrence may be LowHigh signal then only may be entering the trade. This is just a thought. What do you think about this?


Are you from East Germany,for DDR recalls me to GDR in English...:)

I think the way how the EA working is as you mentioned. Actually our trades based on technical analysis in an algorithmic method. EA is good,for traders with a longer time in trading have accumulated very much experiences how to use indicators to trade and finally arrive at the conclusion how to build a robot,which help trader realize their trading method without emotion etc. About the case with eurusd we have been discussing now, I am just a bit wondering about the EA why it provided twice the signal short in the same direction and each signal just had a distance to each other around 20 pips(200 points). As we know that by crossover in/of any kind of indicator will never crossover each other twice,if the rate is moving in a lineal direction in the same time(that means only forward and no backward,so straight and forth ).

Let's see how it will further work. I hope that we will trade well and get more pips. Trading is a hard business. We are retailed traders and our opposite sides are the liquidity providers,so the interbank markets,they buy all what we sell and they sell all what we need. Try to get some pips from them :) and we try to support each other. DOn't worry about the money have been gone,our money were not lost,but gone somewhere else in other pockets :) and our money we will find it back,if we find the way to it.....:)

Wenn you are German,dann bis bald und alles Gute und frohes Schaffen!


be humble,wise and thanks the Lord for every pip you get and try to keep it!
Member Since Nov 09, 2014   57 posts
Nov 27, 2014 at 07:47
MiiX3R posted:
Does anyone know how to set the slippage to match the broker?


it depends on the slippage factor of your broker. Our vendor makes a default slippage with a factor of 1 (quite small...). So I don't know who you have as broker. Therefore you can go to the site: and setup your account there like here. After that you can see the slippage of your broker what for factor it has. Good broker has a factor of 0.5 or 0.8 * xxxxx.

My suggestion is that you can put a factor 3,it is an average factor.

Best regards!

be humble,wise and thanks the Lord for every pip you get and try to keep it!
Member Since May 30, 2013   19 posts
Nov 27, 2014 at 07:49
togr posted:
MiiX3R posted:
Does anyone know how to set the slippage to match the broker?

Sllipage is sort of delay when you execute trade it needs to get from client - MT4 to server and execute.
You cannot set it. You can minimize it with good broker and with trading on server nearby.

There's a slippage setting in the EA. What does it mean for Slippage = 1? what about 2,3? I just want to know how to set it properly to match my broker. I'm just wondering.
Member Since Aug 27, 2014   13 posts
Nov 27, 2014 at 07:52
I purchased the EA last Sat and loaded the default set files, then I also changed the settings for each pair according to the Important Update notes.

Yesterday there was no trade at all, although the vendor showed a short EURUSD trade and had a small gain.

I am using FinFX ECN demo account to test the EA. I wrote to Doug and he suggested that I open an account with the recommended brokers.

I then ran back test on the same date, and there were 2 short trades :

1 2014.11.24 15:00 sell 1 0.50 1.24197 0.00000 0.00000 0.00 10000.00
3 2014.11.24 15:12 sell 2 0.50 1.24297 0.00000 0.00000 0.00 10000.00
6 2014.11.25 13:41 s/l 2 0.50 1.24197 1.24197 1.23605 46.60 10046.60
7 2014.11.25 14:37 close 1 0.50 1.24507 1.25097 1.23506 -158.40 9888.20

So even though the entries are different, there should be 2 short trades.

Why the vendor has only 1 winning trade but not the losing one I have no idea. Also, my EA has no trade at all. These 2 trades only show up at back test.

I also did a back test on the 4 pairs since last Sat, and EURUSD and GBPUSD are performing badly. Only AUDUSD is a winner, and NZDUSD is fairly good, but never as good as posted on the vendor's site. The vendor has 3 lots on NZDUSD, but only 1 lot of AUDUSD, and then 2 lots on poorly performing EURUSD. So is his system different from the public release that we use?

On inspecting the trade by trade records, I find a large discrepancy between my results and what are posted on the vendor's. I sent the EURUSD test results file to Doug, he only asked me to change broker.

I also have other popular EA running in another demo account, that EA matched 100% of all trades on vendor site, and only difference is the entry and exit price. Yesterday they had only 1 signal, which matched my EA trade. I was testing the other EA for 6 weeks, and I will go live with it next month. With REV, given the large discrepancies, I doubt if it is really working as advertised.

If broker feed can make such large difference, I wonder if the EA is really working. Any user out there actually trading it and what are your live experiences?


Member Since Nov 19, 2014   69 posts
Nov 27, 2014 at 07:59
Davey posted:
Though, looking at the trade at 18:00GMT on 24/11/14 (today)

It says entry 1.24359

Though the price was 1.2427 at 18:00 GMT. That's 9 pips away. Can anyone explain that?

See attached


I have joined Synergy now, I went back to this 1.24359 entry on 24/11/14 and can clearly see how this entry was possible. So I was completely wrong, which I'm very happy about, very reassuring. The chart I used was CMC Markets (uk) and as newish trader I didn't realise there was such a difference in the prices shown, I thought the differences was in the spread.

So, to summarise I have no concerns. If your entries vary from the RTP's, sign up with Synergy or if you are American FX Choice.

I look forward to finally starting this EA next week, good luck all.
Member Since Mar 30, 2013   176 posts
Nov 27, 2014 at 12:30
mchiang0027 posted:
I purchased the EA last Sat and loaded the default set files, then I also changed the settings for each pair according to the Important Update notes.

Yesterday there was no trade at all, although the vendor showed a short EURUSD trade and had a small gain.

I am using FinFX ECN demo account to test the EA. I wrote to Doug and he suggested that I open an account with the recommended brokers.

I then ran back test on the same date, and there were 2 short trades :

1 2014.11.24 15:00 sell 1 0.50 1.24197 0.00000 0.00000 0.00 10000.00
3 2014.11.24 15:12 sell 2 0.50 1.24297 0.00000 0.00000 0.00 10000.00
6 2014.11.25 13:41 s/l 2 0.50 1.24197 1.24197 1.23605 46.60 10046.60
7 2014.11.25 14:37 close 1 0.50 1.24507 1.25097 1.23506 -158.40 9888.20

So even though the entries are different, there should be 2 short trades.

Why the vendor has only 1 winning trade but not the losing one I have no idea. Also, my EA has no trade at all. These 2 trades only show up at back test.

I also did a back test on the 4 pairs since last Sat, and EURUSD and GBPUSD are performing badly. Only AUDUSD is a winner, and NZDUSD is fairly good, but never as good as posted on the vendor's site. The vendor has 3 lots on NZDUSD, but only 1 lot of AUDUSD, and then 2 lots on poorly performing EURUSD. So is his system different from the public release that we use?

On inspecting the trade by trade records, I find a large discrepancy between my results and what are posted on the vendor's. I sent the EURUSD test results file to Doug, he only asked me to change broker.

I also have other popular EA running in another demo account, that EA matched 100% of all trades on vendor site, and only difference is the entry and exit price. Yesterday they had only 1 signal, which matched my EA trade. I was testing the other EA for 6 weeks, and I will go live with it next month. With REV, given the large discrepancies, I doubt if it is really working as advertised.

If broker feed can make such large difference, I wonder if the EA is really working. Any user out there actually trading it and what are your live experiences?


Member Since Oct 29, 2013   55 posts
Nov 27, 2014 at 14:07
How many pips earn this EA last month?

I have 2 statement. The first:
show 175 pips, and the second:
show 944 pips.
So 175 pips or 944 pips?

Thanks, phil
Member Since Feb 22, 2011   4573 posts
Nov 27, 2014 at 14:36
MiiX3R posted:
togr posted:
MiiX3R posted:
Does anyone know how to set the slippage to match the broker?

Sllipage is sort of delay when you execute trade it needs to get from client - MT4 to server and execute.
You cannot set it. You can minimize it with good broker and with trading on server nearby.

There's a slippage setting in the EA. What does it mean for Slippage = 1? what about 2,3? I just want to know how to set it properly to match my broker. I'm just wondering.

Than that's a good question:)
Not knowing the EA. I assume if real sllipage is bigger than the one in EA trade wont execute
Member Since May 19, 2014   87 posts
Nov 27, 2014 at 15:52
Hi all,

1. To: Davey: Please report your live account result next when because you are now using REV TRADER PRO on same broker/ Synergyfx with Vendor. Thanks.

2. To Philippe: Nice results on both demo accounts. Which brokers are you using to forward-test this REV TRADER PRO EA?

And do you use fixed lot size or Money Management %? If MM %, how many % risk did you set up per pair? 5% or 10%?


Member Since Oct 29, 2013   55 posts
Nov 27, 2014 at 16:03

Thanks for reply. The 2 statements on Thinkforex broker. But can somebody tell me how many pips earned this EA from last month?

175 or 944 pips?

Member Since Apr 20, 2013   160 posts
Nov 27, 2014 at 16:27
Guys, the differences in pips are probably caused by slippage and different broker price feeds. Even if you get same broker as the seller (SynergyFX), it may not work exactly as seller because the VPS may be far from the broker's server.
In order to really get exact results as seller, you need the same VPS, including location, and same broker.
In order to cut slippage, and for those who are not on SynergyFX, one thing that can be done is opening an account with a really fast broker out there. For example, ICMARKETS True ECN account and put the EA on a VPS on New York Equinix connection.
Ping times from Beeks VPS to IC Markets NY4 servers are as low as 0.5 milliseconds by the way. This might make it working, just a thought.
Member Since Jun 10, 2011   52 posts
Nov 28, 2014 at 02:51 (edited Nov 28, 2014 at 02:51)
phil09 posted:

Thanks for reply. The 2 statements on Thinkforex broker. But can somebody tell me how many pips earned this EA from last month?

175 or 944 pips?



Results for November have been 951 pips on excelmarkets ecn account.
Member Since Nov 27, 2014   139 posts
Nov 28, 2014 at 12:14
hi, if I want to grow my account faster, can anyone please tell me what is the maximum risk percentage i can safely set in this EA?
i am new to forex and i dont know how to calculate it.
This EA seems to have 72% win ratio.
Member Since Mar 12, 2010   106 posts
Nov 28, 2014 at 13:05
Sunnyday posted:
hi, if I want to grow my account faster, can anyone please tell me what is the maximum risk percentage i can safely set in this EA?
i am new to forex and i dont know how to calculate it.
This EA seems to have 72% win ratio.

IMHO, begin @5%
Member Since Oct 28, 2009   1409 posts
Nov 28, 2014 at 13:30
5% per trade?

Provided you're happy to accept a possible 25% loss on your account. Which historically is what you could be faced with.

Best regards Steve
11:15, restate my assumptions: 1. Mathematics is the language of nature. 2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. 3. If you graph these numbers, patterns emerge. Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature.
Member Since May 20, 2011   694 posts
Nov 28, 2014 at 16:00
Sunnyday posted:
hi, if I want to grow my account faster, can anyone please tell me what is the maximum risk percentage i can safely set in this EA?
i am new to forex and i dont know how to calculate it.
This EA seems to have 72% win ratio.
Im happy with 1% setting so far, havent had a loss yet so I cant say, but you know whne you in a trade and how it feels what will be right for you, THERE IS NO FAST TRACK IN FX!
Member Since Jan 30, 2014   30 posts
Nov 29, 2014 at 11:48
raviluke posted:
Ping times from Beeks VPS to IC Markets NY4 servers are as low as 0.5 milliseconds by the way. This might make it working, just a thought.

Try this VPS: they provide the ping times to IC Markets NY servers ~ 2ms, but the price is much lower.
Member Since Nov 27, 2014   139 posts
Nov 29, 2014 at 11:50
hi steve are you saying 25% is the maximum risk based on the history of this EA?
Member Since Oct 15, 2014   12 posts
Nov 29, 2014 at 11:50
i set up RevTP on fxopen with beeksfx on default settings last week and haven't had any trades. i am going to try with another broker and vps now.
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