Mozambique GDP Growth Rate YoY

The services sector is the most significant sector of the Mozambican economy, accounting for 49% of overall GDP, with wholesale and retail commerce, motor vehicles repair (12%), education (8%), and transportation (7%). Industry accounts for 27% of GDP, with mining and quarrying accounting for 11%. The country has large mineral deposits (marble, bentonite, coal, gold, bauxite, granite, and gemstones), with aluminum being the most essential exported item.  Manufacturing accounts for 10%, with construction accounting for 3%. Crops such as cotton, prawns, cashew nuts, sugar, citrus, copra, coconut, and lumber are the most important sources of income. Agriculture, hunting, forestry, and fishing generate 24% of the country's wealth. Among the expenditure components of GDP, household consumption is first, accounting for 67% of overall use. Government expenditure (26%) and gross fixed capital formation (25%) are the next most important components. Exports of products and services account for 41% of GDP, whilst imports account for 73%, resulting in a net loss of 32% of overall GDP through trade.

Hodnoty vyššie, ako sa očakáva, by sa mali považovať za pozitívne (býčie) pre MZN a pod očakávané hodnoty by sa mali považovať za negatívne (medvedie) pre MZN.

Kategória:  GDP Annual Growth Rate
Jednotky:  Percent
Dopad: Nízke
Mena: MZN
Najnovšie vydanie
Predchádzajúce: 3.7%
Konsenzus: -1.5%
Aktuálne: -4.9%
Ďalšie vydanie
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