
Systems by AgrisN

Name Gain Drawdown Pips Trading Leverage Type
alchemy 197.85% 42.06% 8377.6 Automated 1:100 Demo
monroe -14.17% 47.47% -828.1 Automated 1:400 Demo
monroe2 91.93% 49.37% 355.2 - 1:400 Demo
monroe_2a -59.27% 68.44% -1518.1 Automated 1:400 Demo
roger_800 12.88% 38.89% 774.1 Automated 1:400 Demo
Contest - AgrisN -71.62% 41.23% -602.0 - 1:100 Demo
mgr 141.56% 71.34% 1316.1 Mixed 1:400 Demo
stepbystep -99.73% 22.32% 269.9 Automated 1:500 Demo
v8_test 79.33% 27.13% 4829.7 Automated 1:100 Demo
v7_go -61.49% 87.57% -453.3 Mixed 1:400 Demo
Scalp_V7_JWick -99.90% 99.95% -2006.8 - 1:400 Demo
raimo -99.81% 99.84% -1284.6 - 1:500 Demo
JW_Turbo 23.21% 20.38% 268.0 - 1:400 Demo
Contest - AgrisN 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - 1:100 Demo

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