Kuala Lumpur

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Demo (USD), Equiti Group , 1:500 , MetaTrader 4

Drawdown: 2.20%

Balance: $50,960.40
Equity: (99.90%) $50,908.93
Highest: (Aug 21) $52,009.28
Profit: $960.40
Interest: -$156.80

Deposits: $50,000.00
Withdrawals: $0.00

Updated Sep 06 at 20:27
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Gain (Difference) Profit (Difference) Pips (Difference) Win% (Difference) Trades (Difference) Lots (Difference)
Today - - - - - -
This Week - - - - - -
This Month -0.99% (-3.37%) -$507.34 (-$1,704.75) -2,509.5 (-8,388.0) 73% (-7%) 288 (-2496) 5.76 (-48.48)
This Year +1.92% ( - ) $960.40 ( - ) +3,617.5 ( - ) 78% ( - ) 6,297 ( - ) 102.11 ( - )
% progress
No Daily Goals.
% progress
No Weekly Goals.
% progress
No Monthly Goals.
% progress
No Yearly Goals.
Trades: 6,297
Pips: 3,617.5
Average Win: 11.08 pips / $1.63
Average Loss: -37.42 pips / -$5.18
Lots : 102.11
Commissions: $0.00
Longs Won: (1,815/2,335) 77%
Shorts Won: (3,118/3,962) 78%
Best Trade ($): (Aug 15) 29.51
Worst Trade ($): (Aug 22) -41.34
Best Trade (Pips): (Jul 11) 166.2
Worst Trade (Pips): (Jul 23) -102.6
Avg. Trade Length: 8h 29m
Profit Factor: 1.14
Standard Deviation: $4.703
Sharpe Ratio 0.00
Z-Score (Probability): -51.27 (99.99%)
Expectancy 0.6 Pips / $0.15
AHPR: 0.00%
GHPR: 0.00%
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Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Open Date Symbol Action Lots Open Price SL
Pips Swap Gain
08.29.2024 11:07 EURGBP Sell 0.02 0.84032 -98.6 - -10.72 -40.8 0.13 -0.02%
08.29.2024 12:02 EURGBP Sell 0.02 0.84033 -98.5 - -10.69 -40.7 0.13 -0.02%
08.29.2024 12:02 EURGBP Sell 0.02 0.84033 -98.5 - -10.69 -40.7 0.13 -0.02%
09.03.2024 15:12 EURGBP Sell 0.02 0.8407 -99.5 - -9.72 -37.0 0.09 -0.02%
09.03.2024 15:12 EURGBP Sell 0.02 0.8407 -99.4 - -9.72 -37.0 0.09 -0.02%
09.03.2024 15:12 EURGBP Sell 0.02 0.8407 -99.4 - -9.72 -37.0 0.09 -0.02%
09.06.2024 18:24 AUDUSD Sell 0.02 0.66774 -83.5 - 1.60 8.0 0.0 +0.00%
09.06.2024 18:24 AUDUSD Sell 0.02 0.66774 -83.5 - 1.60 8.0 0.0 +0.00%
09.06.2024 18:24 AUDUSD Sell 0.02 0.66774 -83.5 - 1.60 8.0 0.0 +0.00%
09.06.2024 18:24 AUDUSD Sell 0.02 0.66775 -83.4 - 1.62 8.1 0.0 +0.00%
09.06.2024 18:24 AUDUSD Sell 0.02 0.66774 -83.5 - 1.60 8.0 0.0 +0.00%
09.06.2024 18:24 AUDUSD Sell 0.02 0.66774 -83.5 - 1.60 8.0 0.0 +0.00%
09.06.2024 18:24 AUDUSD Sell 0.02 0.66774 -83.7 - 1.60 8.0 0.0 +0.00%
09.06.2024 18:24 AUDUSD Sell 0.02 0.66775 -83.6 - 1.62 8.1 0.0 +0.00%
09.06.2024 18:24 AUDUSD Sell 0.02 0.66775 -83.6 - 1.62 8.1 0.0 +0.00%
09.06.2024 18:24 AUDUSD Sell 0.02 0.66773 -83.8 - 1.58 7.9 0.0 +0.00%
09.06.2024 18:24 AUDUSD Sell 0.02 0.66775 -83.6 - 1.62 8.1 0.0 +0.00%
09.06.2024 18:24 AUDUSD Sell 0.02 0.66772 -83.9 - 1.56 7.8 0.0 +0.00%
09.06.2024 18:24 AUDUSD Sell 0.02 0.66774 -83.7 - 1.60 8.0 0.0 +0.00%
09.06.2024 18:24 AUDUSD Sell 0.02 0.66773 -83.7 - 1.58 7.9 0.0 +0.00%
09.06.2024 18:24 AUDUSD Sell 0.02 0.66773 -83.8 - 1.58 7.9 0.0 +0.00%
09.06.2024 18:24 AUDUSD Sell 0.02 0.66775 -83.6 - 1.62 8.1 0.0 +0.00%
09.06.2024 18:24 AUDUSD Sell 0.02 0.66775 -83.6 - 1.62 8.1 0.0 +0.00%
09.06.2024 18:50 USDJPY Sell 0.02 141.991 -97.4 - -5.09 -36.2 0.0 -0.01%
09.06.2024 18:50 USDJPY Sell 0.02 141.996 -96.9 - -5.02 -35.7 0.0 -0.01%
09.06.2024 18:50 USDJPY Sell 0.02 141.993 -97.2 - -5.06 -36.0 0.0 -0.01%
09.06.2024 18:53 AUDUSD Sell 0.02 0.66723 -88.6 - 0.58 2.9 0.0 +0.00%
09.06.2024 18:53 AUDUSD Sell 0.02 0.66723 -88.6 - 0.58 2.9 0.0 +0.00%
09.06.2024 21:30 USDJPY Sell 0.02 142.251 -101.3 - -1.43 0.0 0.0 +0.00%
09.06.2024 21:30 USDJPY Sell 0.02 142.251 -100.4 - -1.43 0.0 0.0 +0.00%
09.06.2024 21:30 USDCHF Sell 0.02 0.84292 -98.8 - -0.90 0.0 0.0 +0.00%
09.06.2024 23:23 AUDUSD Sell 0.02 0.66686 -100.3 - -0.16 0.0 0.0 +0.00%
09.06.2024 23:23 AUDUSD Sell 0.02 0.66686 -100.3 - -0.16 0.0 0.0 +0.00%
Total: 0.66 -$52.13 -199.2 0.66 -0.15%

Other Systems by HFCsystems

Name Gain Drawdown Pips Trading Leverage Type
Atlanta 1.91% 2.65% 1,365.8 - 1:500 Real
Utrecht -4.74% 8.07% -4,153.3 - 1:500 Real
Vancouver 8.17% 6.22% -159.8 - 1:500 Real
Cairo, Canberra, Perth 10.76% 8.39% 2,769.1 - 1:500 Real
Shiraz & Tobruk 8.96% 3.32% 845.4 - 1:500 Real
Rimini, Rugby & Roswell 16.02% 5.72% 16,346.4 - 1:500 Real
Capri 2.15% 3.59% 2,616.6 - 1:100 Real
Prague 21.45% 7.23% 445.4 - 1:500 Real
Verona 26.11% 13.18% 9,887.3 - 1:500 Real
Vancouver - ACG 14.35% 17.31% 2,696.5 - 1:500 Real
Shiraz & Tobruk 2 2.72% 15.25% 811.4 - 1:500 Real
Verona 2 54.43% 31.99% -16,893.9 - 1:500 Real
Prague 2 19.95% 8.04% -8,276.4 - 1:500 Real
Suze 11.85% 7.94% -129.0 - 1:500 Real
Luxor 19.03% 11.05% 666.4 - 1:500 Real
Gouda -10.34% 10.91% -9,417.9 - 1:500 Real
Cancun -24.29% 33.03% 1,321.6 - 1:500 Real
Singapore -12.16% 16.64% -10,755.7 - 1:100 Real
Rio De Janeiro 11.33% 4.00% 1,973.4 - 1:500 Real
Lucca 13.08% 2.57% 18,940.8 - 1:500 Demo
Atlantis -2.19% 7.04% -132.5 - 1:500 Real
Rio De Janeiro 2 -3.99% 8.35% -9,537.9 - 1:500 Real
Lucca 6.10% 2.75% 15,590.0 - 1:500 Real
Minsk 151.34% 30.28% 73,204.3 - 1:500 Demo
Mexico City -10.05% 10.10% -210.1 - 1:500 Real
Account USV