
User Image
Real (USD), XM , 1:1000 , MetaTrader 5

Drawdown: 0.41%

Balance: $5,143.78
Equity: (100.00%) $6,345.64
Highest: (Jun 28) $6,345.64
Profit: $133.42
Interest: -$0.68

Deposits: $6,212.22
Withdrawals: $0.00

Updated Jul 01 at 04:46
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Gain (Difference) Profit (Difference) Pips (Difference) Win% (Difference) Trades (Difference) Lots (Difference)
Today - - - - - -
This Week - - - - - -
This Month - - - - - -
This Year +3.50% ( - ) $133.42 ( - ) +3,057.7 ( - ) 77% ( - ) 643 ( - )
Data is private.
Trades: 643
Pips: 3,057.7
Average Win: 10.95 pips / $0.35
Average Loss: -16.34 pips / -$0.28
Lots :
Commissions: $0.00
Longs Won: (118/155) 76%
Shorts Won: (379/488) 77%
Best Trade ($): (Jun 04) 5.21
Worst Trade ($): (Jun 04) -0.99
Best Trade (Pips): (Jun 13) 54.7
Worst Trade (Pips): (Jun 13) -57.0
Avg. Trade Length: 17h 2m
Profit Factor: 4.23
Standard Deviation: $0.633
Sharpe Ratio 0.00
Z-Score (Probability): -14.99 (99.99%)
Expectancy 4.8 Pips / $0.21
AHPR: 0.00%
GHPR: 0.00%
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Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.

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Account USV