Hello All,

I trade U.S. session at Fx Live Day Trading .com. I Traded 4 years at Boutique Investment Banking firms, then I went on my own to trade without all the distractions of W.S. I discovered Forex when trading on my own and I love to Trade it!!!! and I am happier and wiser since working on Wall Street.

 For more info check me out at http://FXLIVEDAYTRADING.COM

THIS ACCOUNT IS AGGRESSIVE AND TRADES AT ABOUT 4x my normal risk. Let's have some fun!!!

I wish you all the best in trading!
Trading style
Short Term I use zone strategies, some Ma's and most important experience from the 'GUT'.


Systems by fxlivedaytrading

Name Gain Drawdown Pips Trading Leverage Type
Pitbull 90 Day Challenge. Goal was 40%, Results=67.3% 67.75% 23.85% 3205.5 Mixed 1:200 Demo
Signals Room Pitbull Challenge 52.04% 18.82% 3203.6 Manual 1:100 Demo
2014 Pitbull Challenge 52.99% 12.76% 884.1 Manual 1:100 Demo

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