FX Physics© introduces a breakthrough algorithm to successfully trade Forex, Futures, Stocks, ETFs and Options through 2 core systems and 6 subsystems.

Myfxbook is linked to the F_CORE©, X_CORE© and SIGMA© trading algorithms via the ES Prodigy(TM), FX Entropy(TM) and Alkemy(TM) trading systems.

For more information, please visit
Trading style
A Universal Algorithm. A Trading Edge in ANY Market.


Systems by fxphysics

Name Gain Drawdown Pips Trading Leverage Type
FXE - Phase I -67.23% 88.75% -1188.9 Mixed 1:200 Real
FX Entropy -2.55% 3.48% -294.4 Mixed 1:200 Real
FX Entropy 2.26% 0.56% 337.7 Mixed 1:200 Real

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