秒速スキャルピング 外為ファイネスト 9pips

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Real (JPY), Gaitame Finest , 1:25 , MetaTrader 4

Drawdown: 17.70%

Balance: ¥824,786.00
Equity: (100.00%) ¥824,786.00
Highest: (Mar 04) ¥1,000,840.00
Profit: -¥175,214.00
Interest: ¥0.00

Deposits: ¥1,000,000.00
Withdrawals: ¥0.00

Updated Apr 30, 2015 at 06:42
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Gain (Difference) Profit (Difference) Pips (Difference) Win% (Difference) Trades (Difference) Lots (Difference)
Today - - - - - -
This Week - - - - - -
This Month - - - - - -
This Year - - - - - -
% progress
No Daily Goals.
% progress
No Weekly Goals.
% progress
No Monthly Goals.
% progress
No Yearly Goals.
Trades: 1,150
Pips: -848.7
Average Win: 2.08 pips / ¥401.83
Average Loss: -3.00 pips / -¥597.10
Lots : 200.78
Commissions: ¥0.00
Longs Won: (205/606) 33%
Shorts Won: (307/544) 56%
Best Trade (¥): (Apr 03) 12,288.00
Worst Trade (¥): (Apr 03) -15,821.00
Best Trade (Pips): (Apr 03) 76.8
Worst Trade (Pips): (Apr 03) -73.5
Avg. Trade Length: 22s
Profit Factor: 0.54
Standard Deviation: ¥1,132.223
Sharpe Ratio -0.16
Z-Score (Probability): 0.38 (29.60%)
Expectancy -0.7 Pips / -¥152.36
AHPR: -0.02%
GHPR: -0.02%
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Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.

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Account USV