ProPattern FX-1

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Demo (USD), Swissquote LTD , Technical , Automated , 1:200 , MetaTrader 4

Drawdown: 3.48%

Balance: $10,705.57
Equity: (99.96%) $10,701.54
Highest: (Sep 20) $10,705.57
Profit: $705.57
Interest: -$6.83

Deposits: $10,000.00
Withdrawals: $0.00

Updated 7 hours ago
Tracking 0
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Gain (Difference) Profit (Difference) Pips (Difference) Win% (Difference) Trades (Difference) Lots (Difference)
Today - - - - - -
This Week +4.36% (+1.78%) $447.51 (+$189.45) +45,304.0 (+27,569.0) 76% (-11%) 226 (+131) 2.26 (+0.98)
This Month +7.06% ( - ) $705.57 ( - ) +63,039.0 ( - ) 79% ( - ) 321 ( - ) 3.54 ( - )
This Year +7.06% ( - ) $705.57 ( - ) +63,039.0 ( - ) 79% ( - ) 321 ( - ) 3.54 ( - )
% progress
No Daily Goals.
% progress
No Weekly Goals.
% progress
No Monthly Goals.
% progress
No Yearly Goals.
Trades: 321
Pips: 63,039.0
Average Win: 335.09 pips / $3.66
Average Loss: -339.53 pips / -$3.45
Lots : 3.54
Commissions: $0.00
Longs Won: (188/225) 83%
Shorts Won: (67/96) 69%
Best Trade ($): (Sep 19) 23.11
Worst Trade ($): (Sep 19) -18.97
Best Trade (Pips): (Sep 19) 2,311.0
Worst Trade (Pips): (Sep 19) -1,897.0
Avg. Trade Length: 3h 19m
Profit Factor: 4.09
Standard Deviation: $4.668
Sharpe Ratio 0.45
Z-Score (Probability): -8.98 (99.99%)
Expectancy 196.4 Pips / $2.20
AHPR: 0.02%
GHPR: 0.02%
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Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Open Date Symbol Action Lots Open Price SL
Pips Swap Gain
09.20.2024 18:17 XAUUSD Buy 0.01 2,625.01 - 119.6 -4.00 -400.0 0.0 -0.04%
09.20.2024 18:21 XAUUSD Buy 0.01 2,623.48 - 33.4 -2.47 -247.0 0.0 -0.02%
09.20.2024 19:03 XAUUSD Buy 0.01 2,621.91 - 190.4 -0.90 -90.0 0.0 -0.01%
09.20.2024 19:26 XAUUSD Buy 0.01 2,620.09 - 372.4 0.92 92.0 0.0 +0.01%
09.20.2024 20:03 XAUUSD Buy 0.01 2,618.59 - 522.4 2.42 0.0 0.0 +0.02%
Total: 0.05 -$4.03 -645.0 0.00 -0.04%

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Ghidorah Forex_SQ 103.22% 32.54% 30,527.5 Automated 1:200 Demo
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Undefeated Triangle 39.71% 28.75% -1,108.9 Automated 1:200 Demo
Aura Black Edition 3.0 -33.40% 42.10% -18,210.0 Automated 1:200 Demo
Boll Plus BollOpenType1 27.56% 22.12% -2,272.4 Automated 1:500 Demo
Golden Pickaxe_SQ 7.56% 21.42% 5,658.0 Automated 1:200 Demo
646658 16.03% 22.59% -20,724.5 Automated 1:400 Real
646659 -62.00% 66.85% -31,090.0 Automated 1:400 Real
Ghidorah Forex_Roboforex 52.92% 30.24% 15,328.7 Automated 1:400 Demo
Aura Black Edition 4.0 -48.52% 54.26% -55,792.1 Automated 1:200 Demo
GH9131+Greezly 158.22% 51.62% 18,972.2 Automated 1:400 Demo
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Aura Black Edition 4.6 -42.17% 50.26% -94,139.0 Automated 1:200 Demo
Mighty Makers -17.41% 19.51% -27,793.0 Automated 1:200 Demo
Aura Turbo -22.68% 28.50% -20,338.6 Automated 1:400 Demo
TrendMaster FX_001 -2.64% 10.87% -199.9 Automated 1:400 Demo
TrendMaster FX_005 -22.08% 41.74% -277.7 Automated 1:100 Demo
Boll_Plus-Gold -64.09% 71.57% -46,189.0 Automated 1:200 Demo
Aura One Gold -70.37% 75.40% -87,397.7 Automated 1:200 Demo
Money Maker Turbo_Roboforex 9.15% 15.89% 1,440.3 Automated 1:400 Demo
Money Maker Turbo_SQ 9.29% 14.92% 1,154.0 Automated 1:200 Demo
BOT 8 G TRADER_default 3.44% 1.84% 2,037.8 Automated 1:400 Demo
BOT 8 G TRADER_Fixlot 6.55% 12.45% 902.2 Automated 1:500 Demo
BOT 8 G TRADER_Lowrisk 12.95% 11.99% 1,619.1 Automated 1:500 Demo
PAI Standard Mode 5 Pairs 73.46% 65.51% 30.0 Automated 1:400 Demo
PAI Standard Mode 5 Pairs with AI Filter 61.45% 63.18% 466.1 Automated 1:400 Demo
Smart Machine_H1 -80.16% 91.15% -151.4 Automated 1:400 Demo
Smart Machine_M5 + Gold High -99.83% 99.90% 903.6 Automated 1:400 Demo
Dynamic Grail 109.61% 20.79% 6,697.3 - 1:400 Demo
Dynamic Grail _10P -65.94% 78.47% -1,666.7 Automated 1:400 Demo
Dynamic Grail _10P_small -48.22% 68.82% -1,519.9 Automated 1:400 Demo
Dynamic Grail _28P_small -53.15% 71.81% -4,049.3 Automated 1:400 Demo
FXMachine -97.49% 98.66% -784.7 - 1:400 Demo
Dynamic Grail Aggressive_10Ps -99.90% 99.95% -442.9 - 1:400 Demo
Dynamic Grail Aggressive_28Ps -82.36% 93.92% -2,528.8 - 1:400 Demo
Surfing -67.28% 70.85% -271,464.6 - 1:200 Demo
Futa_Special Surf -29.65% 40.20% -826,172.0 - 1:200 Demo
ClverFX+Futa_Indicator -52.10% 62.53% -36,750.8 - 1:200 Demo
Futa Multi Pairs _10P -16.86% 30.24% -1,097.3 - 1:400 Demo
Futa Multi Pairs _28P 11.16% 12.49% 1,993.9 - 1:400 Demo
Ghidorah Forex Hedge_10P 2.17% 1.66% 820.7 Automated 1:400 Demo
Account USV