I joined the Market in 2002. It was an unexpected, pleasant and exciting discovery for me. I knew right away that this was what I was looking for. Since then, I and the Market always together... As a result of continuous and constant trading, a profit-making mechanism that is as adaptive to the Forex Market as possible has been developed and perfected. With Forex volatility raging like an ocean, it becomes possible to make money easier and faster than just investing and waiting. Trading takes place around the clock, five days a week. One successful trading operation earns from several dozen to several hundred points... A small working drawdown may be present all the time, as there are always about twenty positions open on the accounts. These are the first three currency echelons in the list of the trading terminal. No currency pair is idle. The entire list is being traded. As soon as any currency pair is released from the previous position, it immediately starts trading.
Trading style
Offensive and defensive. The special features of this method of profit extraction are: Break-even, Security, Regularity, Accuracy, Flexibility, Scalability... Well, in general, of course, the higher the balance - the greater survivability becomes. The trading system consists of two accounts. This allows to distribute all the load evenly. At first glance, it may seem that the profit is small. But this is not the case. The scalability is huge... Therefore, the profit is calculated not in money, but in points. This is the most revealing. The more points passed with the least volume, the more efficient and safer the trading system is. When copying, your profit will always be 10 times more. If Trading System has increased $10, then for you it is = $100. This is due to the different cost of points at different brokers. After covering the same distance, your broker will pay you more. Therefore, you need to copy using any other broker, but not InstaForex. CheckMate and Absolut are two parts of the same system. Therefore, both accounts must be copied to get the correct copying results. To copy, you need two MetaTrader-5 trading accounts, with the NETTING (no hedging) transaction accounting type. Leverage 1:500. Minimum deposit is 1000$. If we talk in numbers and resort to dry mathematics, then 23 currency pairs, with a volume of 0.01 in one trading cycle, will give 46 $. That's = $460 for subscribers. One trading cycle is when each currency pair has passed approximately 200-300 points in either direction. One trading cycle can end very quickly. However, it can also take a long time. For example, up to a month. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that the net monthly income of the Trading System is $460 with minimal revs and a calm drive. If your funds allow and you want to make a much bigger profit, then you can always increase the amount of copying in the settings.
Just do it