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Real (USD), FBS , MetaTrader 4

Drawdown: 12.32%

Balance: $3,539.74
Equity: (100.06%) $3,541.75
Highest: (Jun 01) $4,951.37
Profit: $539.74
Interest: -$155.44

Deposits: $3,000.00
Withdrawals: $0.00

Updated Jun 25, 2020 at 08:23
Tracking 0
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Gain (Difference) Profit (Difference) Pips (Difference) Win% (Difference) Trades (Difference) Lots (Difference)
Today - - - - - -
This Week - - - - - -
This Month - - - - - -
This Year - - - - - -
% progress
No Daily Goals.
% progress
No Weekly Goals.
% progress
No Monthly Goals.
% progress
No Yearly Goals.
Trades: 244
Pips: 1,289.3
Average Win: 40.43 pips / $20.05
Average Loss: -77.05 pips / -$39.58
Lots : 12.87
Commissions: $0.00
Longs Won: (80/114) 70%
Shorts Won: (91/130) 70%
Best Trade ($): (Jun 01) 110.47
Worst Trade ($): (Jun 01) -122.33
Best Trade (Pips): (Jun 01) 171.3
Worst Trade (Pips): (Jun 01) -281.4
Avg. Trade Length: 3d
Profit Factor: 1.19
Standard Deviation: $35.357
Sharpe Ratio 0.08
Z-Score (Probability): -6.40 (99.99%)
Expectancy 5.3 Pips / $2.21
AHPR: 0.07%
GHPR: 0.07%
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Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Data includes last 200 transactions based on the analysed history.
Open Date Symbol Action Lots Open Price SL
Pips Swap Gain
06.22.2020 05:58 EURUSD Sell 0.05 1.11902 - - -28.50 -57.0 0.06 -0.80%
06.22.2020 08:03 NZDUSD Sell 0.05 0.64304 - - -5.00 -10.0 -1.25 -0.18%
06.22.2020 17:51 EURUSD Sell 0.06 1.1256 - - 5.28 8.8 0.06 +0.15%
06.22.2020 17:54 USDCHF Buy 0.05 0.94778 - - 0.53 1.0 0.35 +0.02%
06.23.2020 17:52 NZDUSD Sell 0.06 0.65186 - - 46.92 78.2 -1.21 +1.29%
06.23.2020 23:57 USDCAD Sell 0.05 1.35493 - - -31.17 -85.0 -0.63 -0.90%
06.24.2020 17:19 GBPUSD Buy 0.05 1.24756 - - -8.70 -17.4 -1.27 -0.28%
06.24.2020 22:23 AUDUSD Buy 0.05 0.68757 - - 0.30 0.6 0.04 +0.01%
06.25.2020 03:04 GBPUSD Buy 0.06 1.24141 - - 26.46 44.1 0.0 +0.75%
06.25.2020 03:05 USDCAD Sell 0.06 1.36337 - - -0.26 -0.6 0.0 -0.01%
Total: 0.54 $5.86 -37.3 -3.85 +0.05%

Other Systems by zilch321

Name Gain Drawdown Pips Trading Leverage Type
FBS 1 -15.09% 28.05% 114.4 - - Real
FBS 2 -37.69% 100.00% -1,327.5 Automated 1:1000 Real
FBS 3 6.52% 19.63% 1,047.1 - - Real
FBS 4 -99.90% 99.94% -4,675.7 - - Real
FBS 6 -46.54% 100.00% 1,261.4 - - Real
FBS 5 -76.20% 100.00% -637.5 - - Real
FBS 7 20.03% 11.29% 299.1 - - Real
FBS 9 10.15% 6.33% 1,831.3 - - Real
FBS 0 -49.71% 10.83% -7,692.8 - - Real
JF 0 15.06% 10.65% 2,090.5 - - Real
SMA 3CCY CloseIf 2.48% 12.49% 121.8 - - Demo
KopirMT4 Flash3.0 Client 0.16n0.64Lot copy 94.37% 54.56% 1,367.5 Automated 1:500 Demo
Flash Group 95.29% 56.95% -3,045.7 - 1:500 Demo
SMA Round2 032 58.41% 58.48% 11,347.3 Automated 1:500 Demo
SMA Round2 033 61.17% 47.43% 10,801.4 Automated 1:500 Demo
SMA Round2 034 63.77% 46.86% 11,976.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
Inf 3001 CloseIf 1500 10.39% 24.93% 15.0 Automated 1:500 Demo
Inf 1+2 ECN 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - - Demo
Inf 1+2 Standard 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - - Demo
Inf 1+2 no ccy ECN 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 - - Demo
LifeChanger v6 5.22% 5.68% 477.0 - - Demo
USD EUR GBP CloseIf Ultra -99.90% 61.14% -8,431.5 - 1:500 Demo
USD EUR AUD CloseIf Ultra -99.90% 29.19% -11,139.8 - 1:500 Real
Lonny SMA 0.1 Lot -99.89% 99.94% -2,114.3 Automated 1:1000 Real
MKD AUD CAD CBP 0.00% 0.00% 0.0 Automated 1:1000 Demo
LifeChanger C10 -99.90% 99.90% -2,763.2 - 1:1000 Demo
Account USV