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sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 23, 2014 at 22:37
Thank you Hassan, but I know how to install into build 600. There was no word, that I am aware of, that sPhantom is compatible with build 600. Every EA I trade had to provide an updated exe to be compatible with new build. Are you trading on build 600? If so, have you taken a trade since installing to build 600? I'm surprised (maybe I shouldn't be) that support hasn't even mentioned it.
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 23, 2014 at 21:43
Its too bad I have to come here to this bitch board to try and get a little technical support. You guys need to a better job of sifting through the trash email and maybe support us users that are still actual customers.My system has not taken a trade in a week. What build should I be running? Stay on 509? Upgrade to 600? Why am I not getting trades? Please respond to
[email protected]
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 04, 2014 at 14:22
The difference between a winner and a loser is how you handle circumstance and blame. Deep down, where you never really want to look, you knew, when you bought it, that this was a possibility, as it is with any system you buy. You would serve yourself better by honing your prepurchase skills than to castigate something that worked until it didnt. Its one thing to sell something that never worked, like Forex Steam. Its completely another to fail after a period of success. Grow up.
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Jan 30, 2014 at 20:40
While I'm not the greatest at Elliot Wave Analysis, this overall move down (from 0900 this morning) is impulsive. It looks like we've put in a 1-2-3-4 wave count. In my perfect world, the 5th wave down will be a failed fifth and we'll put in a little w bottom. I did put on a buy position 2 bars after the prior low (at 18:30) with a stop a few pips lower than that recent low. If I get stopped out, that means we do have a 5th wave down, and I'll be watching for that bottom to put another buy on. We are close to retracement time, and I hope to play this back to the 50% level of th...
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Jan 28, 2014 at 00:10
Is sPhantom sandbagging us?What possible benefit would there be? First, a 3 or 4 pip spread on top of a volatile 3 or 4 pipe spike is not that unusual. Second, when you have a thousand people trading the same system, you don't want everyone hitting the tape at the same time. There are random exit generators to stagger exits by a second or two. One time you win a little more or less, another time, you win or lose a little less. Not saying they're doing this yet, but if interest keeps rising, they will need to. Thirdly, for those measuring their losses in dollars, is you...
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Jan 26, 2014 at 22:31
No problem. Just curious. Want a pair of my reading glasses? I have a pair in every damn room of the house!
4.3 Envy Ultra 12.20.10 (Demo)
Trading Systems
Jan 26, 2014 at 21:43
Going to switch this to a live account tonight.
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Jan 26, 2014 at 13:13
Yes. What makes you think I'm not that makes you ask?
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Jan 24, 2014 at 14:47
Brendan, you want to borrow my sledgehammer? its right here by the side of my bed. ROFLMAO.
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Jan 23, 2014 at 15:49
Dukascopy isn't really committed to MT4. They just recently started using it and it is provided by a bridge. There's been a lot of problems with bridges and most brokers got rid of them a couple years ago.
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Jan 23, 2014 at 01:19
You can. Turn off the automation while you manage your trade. When done, turn it back on.Let us know how that works out for ya.
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Jan 22, 2014 at 13:04
Do your due diligence on brokers. How do you think a broker can afford to offer a spread of .01 pips? Because they take the other side of your trade. The fee for the Straight thru Processors (STP) and Electronic Communication Networks (ECN) is the spread. They don't care if you win or lose. They get the spread. On the other hand, bucket shops, as they are affectionately called take the other side of your trade, so when you're REALLY successful, you take money out of their pocket and they don't like that. Accusations of cheating, or arbitrage, or some other nonsense will abound. So...
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Jan 22, 2014 at 02:22
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Jan 21, 2014 at 14:01
10.0 on the dot for me.
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Jan 20, 2014 at 23:45
Brendan;I've been told I have the bedside manner of a sledge hammer. My apologies. I'll tone her down. :-)
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Jan 19, 2014 at 16:44
Its so easy to be an armchair quarterback. If sphantoms target is a 10 pip profit, and you want a 10 pip trailing stop, then you need to make a min. 20 pip gain so you are guaranteed your 10 pip profit when the trailing stop kicks in. It's always easy to second guess someone else's work. Your greed is showing. I would rather ramp up the risk on a successful system than to change a system to an new unknown. All its going to take is a couple trades in a row that would have been 10 pip winners, but wind up being big losers because it made 18 pips profit and reversed before the trailing st...
4.6 Forex Steam V8.0
Trading Systems
Jan 18, 2014 at 14:40
I think I'm giving up on this piece of shit. It just doesn't trade well. They manipulate their data in MT4Live too. They rarely allow their 90 pip losses to post.
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Jan 17, 2014 at 22:44
Does XM Markets accept US clients?No they do not. Unfortunately our Caesar and his IRS, FATCA, and FINRA reporting rules have turned most good brokers against Amerikan clients and they won't let us play in their sandbox anymore. You can sidestep this by forming an offshore business entity to gain access to the premier brokers. The least you can do as an individual is to go offshore with the likes of FinFX, Traders Way, or ForexFS. In today's world, if you do not have some money outside the reach of your government, whatever government that is, you are nuts. Allow me to...
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Jan 17, 2014 at 12:23
If you open a micro account at FinFX to trade .01 lots (they do not have cent accounts) there are no commissions. You can ask, and usually receive a margin increase from 200 to 300%. Traders Way is also convenient. They both take us Amerikans for the time being. I've traded through both of them for years before moving to XM Markets. Anyone using an EA to trade currencies through a US broker is out of their mind. 50:1 and no hedging for us while banks blow themselves up at 10,000:1 with their derivatives. Besides, you ought to be thinking about getting some money offshore anyway. At least i...
sPhantom Auto Trader
Trading Systems
Jan 15, 2014 at 12:55
ProactiveT said: Great account Ken, May I ask what risk factor you use with the 1:888 leverage?I run pretty aggressive and I don't use the risk level. I trade a fixed lot size at 1 std lot for every 5,000 of capital so I trade 3 std lots on 15K. I do not compound. Profits are transferred out weekly. I am making about a grand a week. Sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. 4 months and I'll be playing completely with the house's money.corre71 said: If you permit me, don't use large risk factor! i use risk 5. Balance must grow slow and steady!![...
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