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Purpose of demo trading
Oct 20, 2021 at 16:41
The main goal of demo trading is to meet a trader with trading activity. It's a quite good instrument for acquiantance with various oeculiarities and features of trading activity. It literally teaches you how to trade. It's a great empirical method I guess. There are no alternatives to it. Even if you will watch some videos where traders make traders, it won't give you such experience as your own demo-trading will. In my opinion, the main two things in the process of learning trading activity are theory (videos,courses,information) and demo-trading. All brokers offer such a functio...
Sep 16, 2021 at 06:01
This broker carefully treat its traders and it's proved by the fact that there is a pretty low leverage here. The main idea is not to pose traders to high risks, hence there is such solution. However, I believe that it's a bit inconvenient, because there are some traders who are realy passionate about trading with high leverages. There are several account types, to my mind personally, it will only distract traders from their duties, but there are some traders who like this competetive element.
Aug 23, 2021 at 04:42
I found out that the broker provides the opportunity to copy the proven strategies of other traders. Will I be able to choose traders myself in order to use the copy-trading service?
May 17, 2021 at 21:22
I agree with you that TeleTrade in many ways attracts traders precisely because the service is so well organised here and it really offers different formats and even full training if you haven't had normal experience yet.I also like synchronous trading and although I haven't tried it out yet, I'm sure it has some potential. But what interested me most was the low variable spreads and the normal leverage range. Agree that 1:500 gives much more potential than 1:100 or 1:200.
WallStreet Forex Robot
Trading Systems
Nov 26, 2020 at 13:34
It may be an old format, but the profit looks great. I like to see such things - it's inspiring... And even serves as a certain motivation.
Trading Systems
Nov 14, 2020 at 13:54
New strategies are new opportunities. And I highly appreciate every such moment.
Olymp Trade
Oct 31, 2020 at 01:30
At first, I had rather a mixed impression of Olymp Trade because what I saw on their site wasn’t similar to what I got used to. The very availability of a web-based trading platform wasn’t surprising for me. Today, a great number of brokerage services offer web-based trading solutions. I was just the first time I saw fixed-time trading. Previously, I dealt only with stock and Forex trading – quite typical things, existing for decades.Once I tried fixed-time trading, I realized that it’s a very dynamic and promising type of trading. It ideally suits those who don’t...
Anyone know about TGIcapital?
Oct 12, 2020 at 18:21
There are so many such resources now that I don't know how to make sense of all this diversity...
MOM Divergence Strat
Trading Systems
Aug 16, 2020 at 15:53
And you managed to get such results on technical analysis or on fundamental? Actually it looks competently enough. So maybe you should really think about the big career of the trader.
Derrick Taylor
Trading Systems
Jul 26, 2020 at 16:31
Good profits are always good.So if these are real indicators - then I can say that you have done a great job and got the appropriate result.
Jun 25, 2020 at 14:05
The first time I heard about this company, when a friend told me the content of some hycm reviews, he was impressed by the conditions studied and was going to start working with this broker. I was also interested in it and in the evening I came to the website of this company to view all the details. I liked the conditions, and I immediately passed the registration to try the market live. Before that I already had experience, but a very long time ago, so I had to start anew in some way, but it turned out that I was very comfortable to trade here, because the terminal was understandable, and the...
My thoughts
Jun 19, 2020 at 19:30
You know, a lot depends on a trader's experience and preferences, I think it's no secret for you that even with a small capital you can make a stable and good income, but if the leverage helped every trader to earn millions - the market would have collapsed long ago.
scalping easy ?
New Traders
Apr 29, 2020 at 19:31
Now it is in great demand among traders, because if the forecast is correct, it helps to increase profits by several times.But you should do it thoughtfully, because in the same way you can lose everything at once.So do not forget to check everything and work on a demo.
1400 percent gains in 8 days trading us30 manually
Apr 25, 2020 at 19:43
Well certainly not. My gains have neeb much but not that much. That seems impossibe. Do you really men 1400 percent or 140 percent because that is impossible in 8 days. To get that much gains you have to be a very skilled trader and most of us are not that good. Can you tell us if you have seena nyone who has been able to do so.
Can forex trading make you rich ?
Apr 07, 2020 at 19:31
Money does not just come that easy. If you plan on getting rich throughforex then you are thinking wrong. To get to that level you ned money and I mean a lot of money. You can get a lot of money from forex if you do not already have a lot of money. There is still no guarantee because when you do not know how to trtade properly then you will lose it all.
Read This Before Investing.
Apr 04, 2020 at 16:35
Very important points and links to the important sources many people still forget to loose entirely and I really do not get it absolutely and possibly, it's very important to remember them and follow them absolutely, thanks for letting me know this!
Forex is Hobby ?
Mar 12, 2020 at 18:16
Many of my acquaintances, who are now successful traders at the very beginning of their careers, treated trading as an entertainment with which you can sometimes make money... ...or not. And only with time began to form an understanding that you can almost always make money, if you understand what the market is and know its laws.
AAFX Trading
Feb 27, 2020 at 20:00
It's not easy for me to tell my story, because in order to become a trader who can really earn and provide for my personal and family needs, I had to go a long and difficult way, which allowed me to fundamentally change my attitude towards my life. I changed a lot of strategies and brokers, I worked on my morale, I spent a lot of time picking up capital in order to understand exactly how much I would be satisfied with and how to make my statistics stable and understandable. But now I have everything going exactly as I need it, the last six months I have been working in aafx. Here I am able...
Best Broker
Feb 06, 2020 at 15:19
I do not know who is best in reality. I can only tell you that you really need to select someone else on that matter anyway. Can we project something good or not... Do you need it to be regulated or something else please? Create it for me then.
Are there secret forex strategies in the forex market?
Feb 02, 2020 at 15:49
There are no secrets totally, just plain practice about everything. Can we make it possible or not? Let's talk to all other people that all of that is simply untrue no matter how hard they will try they will get only this in return anyway. Big thanks!
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