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Posts by forex_trader_193698
Queens Money Collector
Trading Systems
Mar 12, 2015 at 08:13
this is updated version of forex envy. better to say bye this type of trading. never use any grid or martingale strategy.never means never.i make you rich means he will make rich himself only. never use any trade copier service who sends singals.i use many and with long time statement too but all made loss. all made loss.this was last one for me. this was last grid and martingale i used.never subscribe it.
Queens Money Collector
Trading Systems
Mar 10, 2015 at 07:47
hi, i have made the payment through skrill today.i mailed you. please send me ea with manual.
Queens Money Collector
Trading Systems
Mar 07, 2015 at 09:32
hi, i read that you are going to launch EA ?i have few questions:1: this is fully automated ea or signal receiver ea?2: do you know about ea "forex envy" ? your ea trades same like that ea. your ea is grid and martingale ea. There was no stop loss in forex envy. So please tell me that how your ea is different from forex envy?3: your ea uses stop loss? 4: what type of stop loss your ea uses? its equity stop loss or pip stop loss per trade?please answer me.
Best Forex Robot - Account Doubler EA
Trading Systems
Feb 20, 2015 at 13:19
hi, i asked for refund today, they made account loss.
Trading Systems
Feb 19, 2015 at 07:25
they are making good money by selling ea.dont buy any ea.
Trading Systems
Feb 19, 2015 at 07:25
why only synergyfx?think about it. why all ea seller shows accounts only on this broker synergyfx?revtrader pro, vortex trader pro, forex venturebot all on synergyfx.because this broker is scammer. broker helps ea sellers to create more than one year statement in one day.they are scammer. dont buy any ea.dont buy any ea, if they are selling through "ClickBetter" because clickbetter is scam itself created by these ea seller.if they can sell it through clickbank with money back guarantee, then you can buy it.otherwise dont buy it.the statement is fake. dont buy it.rev, vtp, forex vernt...
Best Forex Robot - Account Doubler EA
Trading Systems
Feb 13, 2015 at 15:21
scam scam scam warning.think before you pay.
Best Forex Robot - Account Doubler EA
Trading Systems
Feb 13, 2015 at 15:21
they are looking like scammer because bahaving like scammer.please dont susbcribe it. they dont reply after the payment.if they will activate my demo account, then i will tell u all. then u can subscribe.till then dont subscribe it.
Best Forex Robot - Account Doubler EA
Trading Systems
Feb 13, 2015 at 15:21
please dont subscribe this because i m not getting answer from them.they are not replying to me and not activating my account.
Best Forex Robot - Account Doubler EA
Trading Systems
Feb 13, 2015 at 15:21
i mailed them 2 times to activate my demo account because i want to test it few days on demo account, but they are not replying me and not activating my demo account.why forcing me to use on live?please activate my demo fast.
Vortex Trader PRO
Trading Systems
Feb 06, 2015 at 16:27
i bought revtrader pro and asked for refund before 60 days.
Vortex Trader PRO
Trading Systems
Feb 06, 2015 at 16:27
hi, i have requested for refund today.they asked for bank statement and order id.i have sent them all detail. after that no reply.this is my oder id 2NV946407R085740Mi will update all of you, if i will get refund.till then dont buy revtrader pro and his other product vortex trader pro syatem.
Trading Systems
Feb 06, 2015 at 16:27
hi, i have requested for refund today.they asked for bank statement and order id.i have sent them all detail. after that no reply.this is my oder id 2NV946407R085740Mi will update all of you, if i will get refund.till then dont buy revtrader pro and his other product vortex trader pro syatem.
Trading Systems
Sep 17, 2014 at 12:56
he deleted that because i noticed that he places manual trades to make good statement.tell him to unlock magic number and ea comment.i m sure he will not unlock both. because then you can see his manual trades with no magic number and comment.
New Hope 2.3 Client account
Trading Systems
Jun 06, 2014 at 07:44
read it before buy any arbitrage ea.hi, i have this ea educated.New hope and Broker arbitrage ea are same.Dont buy it. its totally useless.there is only one seller and he is selling with 2 different website and many skype id.1: http://westernpips.com/2: http://new-hope-ea.com/3: http://www.brokerarbitrage.com/arb.htmlall are same ea.accounts are not verified however they will give you investor password to check it.i bought all these 3 website arbitrage ea.no one will gove you his profitable setting and everytime you will ask about setting, then they will give you different setting everytime. I...
Trading Systems
Jun 06, 2014 at 07:44
read it before buy any arbitrage ea.hi, i have this ea educated.New hope and Broker arbitrage ea are same.Dont buy it. its totally useless.there is only one seller and he is selling with 2 different website and many skype id.1: http://westernpips.com/2: http://new-hope-ea.com/3: http://www.brokerarbitrage.com/arb.htmlall are same ea.accounts are not verified however they will give you investor password to check it.i bought all these 3 website arbitrage ea.no one will gove you his profitable setting and everytime you will ask about setting, then they will give you different setting everytime. I...
New Hope 1.12a
Trading Systems
Jun 06, 2014 at 07:44
read it before buy any arbitrage ea.hi, i have this ea educated.New hope and Broker arbitrage ea are same.Dont buy it. its totally useless.there is only one seller and he is selling with 2 different website and many skype id.1: http://westernpips.com/2: http://new-hope-ea.com/3: http://www.brokerarbitrage.com/arb.htmlall are same ea.accounts are not verified however they will give you investor password to check it.i bought all these 3 website arbitrage ea.no one will gove you his profitable setting and everytime you will ask about setting, then they will give you different setting everytime. I...
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