FX Premax
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Bad broker, trading against client. STAY AWAY.
this is a 100% unregulated and a 100% scam broker with fake reviews on the internet, do not ever try to open an account with them, as they will target your country time, when you are alseep, they will increase the spreads to over 1000 pips and make sure your account blows, if you have an ea running or open postions, i have all evidence, this is a dangours and very big scam company, you can never make a penny profit using this dangerous broker, they did it to me and my whole account wiped out , then they send me this below email ;
Re: my account 2108937583
FXPremax Finance
8:39 AM (11 minutes ago)
to me
All trades are opened from the same IP, you can see information in MT4 Journal.
Case closed.
On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 3:21 PM, UZOCHUKWU wrote:
no i did not open any, never, it wasnt me, it was your company that closed my trades yesterday, and i did not open any new trades, but your comany blew my account, kindly fix that and send me money, i stopped all my ea before i slept
On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 8:17 AM, FXPremax Finance wrote:
Dear Sir,
As your statement show, you had more than 22 opened positions, you can view your statement from MT4 by clicking on "Terminal' up on the left corner and then click on "Account history".
If you had EA running or any type of script please make sure to disable Auto Trading to disable your script.
Best Regards,
On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 1:05 PM, UZOCHUKWU wrote:
hi good day, i had an account balance,and i woke up and saw my balance 0, also i did not have any open trades, then, i see strange activties in my balance what is this?
after contronting fxpremax of what happened to my account, the next thing, they disablled my account see below;
FXPremax | Account Deactivated
FXPremax [email protected] via amazonses.com
8:45 AM (12 minutes ago)
to me
You receive this email because FXPremax disabled your trading account.
If you think this is a mistake or if you have any other questions, please contact us at [email protected]
Best Regards,
FXPremax Customer Support
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100% SCAM BUCKET SHOP BROKER, aviod it by all means, never give them any money.
A perfect bucket shop out there. I had a winning position. They widened the spread 5000 points and made my winning trade to losing one. I thought something went wrong.
I had a profitable trade for 2nd time. This time, they widened the spread 9000 points once again and I suffered severe losses!
They will do each and everything to kick you out.
A pure piece of market maker.
Please stay away from the cheaters. A big scam in the industry!