Markets4you offers clients and partners:
● 24/7 excellent customer support in multiple languages,
● a wide variety of account types,
● diverse payment systems,
● copy trading through its proprietary copy trading plat
Dear Trader,
Very Good service from forex4you customer service i used this broker since 2021
thanks to all
Unfortunately, the MT5 terminal is not presented
Все супер
Great Broker , Reliable and Stable
Дикие реквоты, проскальзывания, ликвидности по некоторым инструментам регулярно не хватает, чтобы сделку закрыть.
very good broker for new and pro and very good client support
Yes. It is big loss clients: The service is not available for US, Japan and now European Economic Area residents.
'Forex4you shall stop providing services to Clients from European Economic Area on 01.12.2018.'
very bad
After they upgraded their website including their share4you platform, it makes me give a big wow to them. It looks modern and user friendly. Just be careful, I saw some traders gave bad reviews because they are losses their money after following some traders. The gain that you show on top traders, make them to start copy top gainers, but I saw most of the top gainers are using martingale system. Maybe you need review back your top traders profile. At least you not loosing your clients.
Nicht nachvollziehbar, diese wirren Aussagen, wie: "Ergo spekuliert forex4you darauf, das das Konto platzt.". Das klingt schon ein wenig nach Verschwörungstheorie der bizarren Sorte.
Kein Broker ist an einem "Platzen" eines Kontos interessiert. Ich trade selbst bei diversen Brokern, u.A. Interactive Brokers, LMAX und eben Forex4You, da mein Quant und ich das Team persönlich kennen. Hier gibt es transparente Fills inkl. Angabe der ausführenden Gegenpartei und Zeitangabe der Execution in Millisekunden. Im Zuge von Hausinternen Restrukturierungen gab es beim Kundensupport mal zeitweilig Probleme, aber das hat sich gelegt. Es gibt hier übrigens, wie auch bei LMAX, keinerlei B-Booking oder Last Look Operations. Andernfalls würde ich hier keinerlei Trades platzieren. Withdrawals sind flott, bis auf ein, zwei Ausnahmen in der Vergangenheit, wo ich nochmal kurz nachhaken mußte, aber dann ging es. Dies scheint der raschen Expansion geschuldet mit einhergehendem Personalbedarf, der nicht 1:1 bedient wurde.
Hier eine interessante Timeline:
Forex4You have a tradecopying service called Share4You. Be very careful. The traders that you copy are extremely volatile and they almost always blow out your account. I have copied about four of their traders and they all eventually destroyed my balance. They all start out with good returns for the first few months, but then all of a sudden, in one day, they lose 99% of your money. This has happened all within the past few months. It is highly possible that these traders collude with forex4you to blow out your account so that the broker can keep all the money you lose. Do not try share4you it is very dangerous way to invest and it will destroy your account.
Dear Client,
We fully understand the frustrations and confusion surrounding this matter that you may have, and we would like to further provide you with full, detailed and comprehensive response on the subject matter. We have conducted a thorough investigation regarding your orders #31925720 and #31924738, and would like to present you with the findings that are the result of this investigation.
Please find below the system logs (GMT time) for your reference:
02-09-2016 12:29:39.157; 3293417-Classic2; Order 31924738 TRIGGERED TakeProfit SELL 400K EUR/USD if BID > 1.1215
02-09-2016 12:29:40.558; 3293417-Classic2; Order 31924738 REJECTED TakeProfit SELL 400K EUR/USD if BID > 1.1215. Reason: Price expired.
02-09-2016 12:29:39.157; 3293417-Classic2; Order 31925720 TRIGGERED TakeProfit SELL 500K EUR/USD if BID > 1.1215
02-09-2016 12:29:40.558; 3293417-Classic2; Order 31925720 REJECTED TakeProfit SELL 500K EUR/USD if BID > 1.1215. Reason: Price expired.
According to the above logs you can see that your orders were in fact triggered since the price became available, however, were further rejected within just a seconds time.
Please refer to tick chart (Pic#1, Pic#2) and the data from our tick store (Pic#3, GMT time) where it clearly displays that the requested price 1.1215 was reached on 14:29:39:023 and was available till 14:29:39:275 when the price changed to 1.1214. As you can conclude the requested price 1.1215 was available for a period of 252 milliseconds.
One of our core values at Forex4you is transparency and honest execution, therefore average execution time is always published and available on the company’s website, please see (Pic#4) or follow the link http://www.forex4you.com/en/clients/dashboard/ .
You can see that according to the graph above the average execution speed is more than 1 second fr the Classic account type.
Furthermore, please be advised that orders are executed according to the available liquidity on the market. In this particular case Take profit orders where rejected because the requested price was available only for 252 milliseconds and at the moment of execution at 12:29:40:558 the price had already expired as TP orders can be executed only for the requested price or better. We hope this explains your misleading opinion that orders are executed based on the price shown on the chart.
Regarding take profit execution for orders #31944826 and #31944832 we have already provided you with a detailed answer for the specified period of time, where the requested execution price for the orders in questions was in fact available. However, according to our tick history the price was available only for 756 milliseconds (Pic#5) at the first trigger and just 251 milliseconds (Pic#5) at the next trigger, and this was again less than the average time that it takes to execute the order, and hence the orders were rejected, since the price had already expired. Nevertheless, please also keep in mind that the average order execution time has only an illustrative purpose and does not guarantee that all orders are executed within the reflected execution times. Depending on the market conditions and situations the execution time may significantly vary and can be longer or shorter on certain occasions.
Regarding the Regulation rules 4.10.2, please be informed that the paragraph provides a technical description of the order processing not execution and must be read in context with the whole paragraph 4.10.
Regarding your question on Stop Loss execution please see order trigger conditions below:
1.Stop loss order is as SELL trade (closure of a BUY order) then STOP loss trigger is as follows – send for execution if Market BID price < Stop Loss order price.
2. Stop loss order is as BUY trade (closure of a SELL order) then STOP loss trigger is as follows – send for execution if Market ASK price > Stop Loss order price.
As already described above take profit orders are executed for the requested price or better, please see Take profit trigger conditions below:
1. Take profit order is a SELL trade (closure of a BUY order) then Take profit trigger is as follows - send for execution if Market BID price >= Take profit order price.
2. Take profit order is as BUY trade (closure of a SELL order) then Take profit trigger is as follows – send for execution if Market ASK price <= Take profit order price.
Due to the different trigger conditions on SL/TP which are the industry standards stop loss orders are usually executed with a negative slippage and Take profit orders are executed with a positive slippage.
We have selected some examples from your trading activity where you can see the above mentioned execution principles in real time.
Take profits with positive slippage:
#3293417 requested price to buy @ 1.1272, executed @ 1.1270
Stop loss with negative slippage:
#31866221 requested price to buy @ 1.1302, executed @ 1.1305
#31867761 requested price to buy @ 1.1302, executed @ 1.1305
Concluding our investigation and the above provided information, we have arrived to the decision that your orders had been executed according to our terms and conditions and there has been no technical fault while processing them. As result we find no grounds to reimburse your account for any losses incurred.
Once more we would like to point out that Forex4you core values are transparent and honest execution and we always provide execution details in full - tick history and execution logs.
We always suggest our customers to get acquainted with Forex4you offered conditions in detail before starting trading activity in order to avoid such inconvenience for both parties.
If you still have some open questions regarding our execution or require any additional information please feel free to contact us at any time observing mutual courtesy.
some bad news about forex4you.com
I had 4 order with forex4you.com that TP hit but they close me at stop loss and did not pay me untill now!(2&9 of September)
i had 10 order that my SL changed and i loss more than my SL .
i do not know what are they doing with my account but you can see all of my order with pic i attach.
if you want more detail and can help me please contact me.
i hope forex4you solve it soon and change their treat!!
Good option for trading, where are the revews traders!! only mine!!??😎😎
Хороший брокер , ценообразование на высоте, быстрый вывод
Хорошее исполнение и быстрый вывод!
Forex4you is the best!
po kol kas neturiu nusiskundimu del šio brokerio
Отличный брокер, работаю с ними с момента их появления. Много чего пережил за это время, всякое у них бывало и даже такое что думал уходить, уходил, но каждый раз возвращался. В плане вывода они лучше многих, но сейчас более тщательно отслеживают откуда пришли деньги и бывает что только туда и позволяют выводить. В данный момент удручает только что уже пол года не могут в порядок привести ПАММ сервис, который кстати говоря работает не так как у других, а скорее как закрытый ForexCopy, то есть вкладывая маленькую сумму в большой ПАММ вы можете остаться без доходности либо вообще уйти в минус, поскольку не все сделки для вас будут учтены. Такая вот математика у них интересная.
it is very good. because it have cent lite account and alse it support EA VERY GOOD .