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Inner Circle Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 15, 2013 at 09:08
Hmmm, so it all blew up in the end? Where is pp_forex now? He was heavily attached to this guy, must've been pretty heart-breaking for him.
Inner Circle Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 12, 2013 at 11:39
I've got a few simple questions that I am sure are shared by others:Why are you risking substantially more than what you said you would?Why did you hide your profile when things went badly?Why did you give up on your 30% goal by month end?Come on sir, I am sure you must realize that the damage is done.
Inner Circle Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 12, 2013 at 08:37
pp_forex, why are you so angry? Your hero just vanished before your very eyes, and now you're projecting all that disappointment on the rest of us. Very childish.No one here is questioning forex techniques, but you cannot deny that Inner Circle Trader certainly didn't follow any of the most basic of them. As a matter of fact, yes, I do trade 61.8 retracements, they work rather magnificently, as do the 50 and 79 retracements. One day you'll realise that trading isn't an ego contest. You either make money or you don't. I laugh at your comment about us all being struggling tra...
Inner Circle Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 12, 2013 at 06:35
Sound advice SwingTrader. To any newbie traders out there, don't ever risk more than 3% of your account, and most especially important is that you face your losses. When your trade idea dies, let the trade die with it. There is no such thing as "hope" in forex. It's an emotion that will end your trading career quicker than you could ever imagine. The key to accepting losses is doing so BEFORE entering the trade. It makes it easier to let go when it doesn't go according to plan.
Inner Circle Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 12, 2013 at 06:35
Yeah, guess we won't be reconvening end of February then pp_forex ;)Moral of the story (from Star Wars LOL): Don't get cocky kid!
Inner Circle Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 11, 2013 at 13:51
pp_Forex forgive me for breaking my silence, but here is an example of another blind trader who was endlessly praising, but now cries when the signals are gone. Hilarious I tell you!
Inner Circle Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 11, 2013 at 11:59
Ironically enough, that seems to be all that you guys do every moment of every day; rambling on and on about this poor dude. Am I wrong? Regardless, point taken; I'll keep quiet. Thankfully, my life (and my trading) doesn't revolve around horribly unjustified faith in this Inner Circle Trader. Let's see whether a "hyper-inflationary" ego is a trait worthy of success. We'll reconvene at the end of February, agreed?
Forex Growth Bot
Trading Systems
Feb 11, 2013 at 11:59
It's an EA, it'll always be at best, profitably inaccurate...
Inner Circle Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 11, 2013 at 11:08
Come on man, are you serious? I struggle to understand how any half decent trader would need a professional to purposely lose trades in order to arrive at the conclusion that you can't succeed in this game by copying someone else. I think if you guys weren't so close to the epicentre of this entire debacle, you'd see the ridiculousness of it.Believe me, I've been exposed to group-think before, a few of us used to take similar trades at our firm and we all ended up getting sub-par results. You can never succeed in forex if you rely on someone else. You won't get nice bonuses...
who is guru???!!!
Experienced Traders
Feb 11, 2013 at 08:51
Wow, talk about random! LOLFor the next 3198.2 days I will buy EUR/USD (aiming for 3.245 final take profit level).
Inner Circle Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 11, 2013 at 08:44
Quaint. The one thing I don't understand is the enormous animosity surrounding this guy and particularly exhibited by his so called "followers". It really says a lot about him when the people following are so utterly rude and presumptuous. I WILL keep an eye on the account, you don't seem to understand my question in the slightest. I am not at all doubting the guy's performance, I am asking why he chose to use deception instead of merely hiding the trades. Do not provide me with the generic response "to throw off signal followers" because even the dumbest of tra...
My investor's account 1
Trading Systems
Feb 11, 2013 at 07:16
The performance of these accounts are quite varied. Why aren't the investor accounts traded the same way as your main account I wonder?
Inner Circle Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 11, 2013 at 07:16
Haha, I am intrigued by this guy after reading these generic comments! Inner Circle Trader, if you read this, could you perhaps answer my question yourself?Why not just hide the open trades and make the closed trades public so that people can learn from it? Same result, but massive difference in your perceived integrity...
PAMM (Managed Accounts) running for +1yr
Trading Systems
Feb 10, 2013 at 20:07
Wow, equity is almost at the investment amount... such heavy drawdown??
Inner Circle Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 10, 2013 at 20:07
This is the selfish attitude that is generally prevalent amongst unsuccessful traders.I've had a look at this guy's stuff on BabyPips.com, or rather what is left of it. Seems like he was a decent guy but then he went and deceived everyone by trading negatively. Weird, why didn't he have the decency to tell you guys that he wasn't trading properly? I can't say I've seen many professional traders who deliberately lose when there are alternatives such as making trades private.
Forex Growth Bot
Trading Systems
Feb 08, 2013 at 16:15
Hmmmm, nice system but those drawdowns are intense!
Trading Systems
Feb 08, 2013 at 16:14
Wow, now this is professional trading! Such consistency over an extended period, Congrats!
Inner Circle Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 08, 2013 at 16:14
Wow, this dude. The rudeness of some people! Good luck with your trading Mr DGilberto. I sincerely wish you the absolute best in all your endeavours. If you are indicative of the rest of the people following this guy, then I have no interest in joining along.Man, like seriously, learn some manners!
Inner Circle Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 08, 2013 at 15:36
Are you kidding me? I am not trolling, I'm asking genuine questions. I joined myfxbook to record my own progress, and I see they've got a most popular systems section. I see all of them in the top 10 are making significant profits, whilst this one isn't. I don't understand that, could you explain?I see from the posts here that this guy supposedly trades in the wrong direction on purpose, but yet you guys are considering him an expert on forex. I can lose more in one day than he did throughout this system's history. What's the whole point?
Inner Circle Trader
Trading Systems
Feb 08, 2013 at 15:00
LOL that was hilarious! Hahaha! An educational exercise in losing, aren't the majority of traders already experts at this? I guarantee I can lose better than this, would you like me to open a new myfxbook and prove it?
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