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Posts by forex_trader_204192
any fulltime forex trader here ???
Experienced Traders
Dec 03, 2014 at 08:03
I am reading the conversation as an outsider :)Just to throw a little bit of my point of view. In my humble opinion, forex trading is by nature speculative and people who step their foot into this area are looking for higher return and of course along with it, the higher risk. If we are looking for very small drawdown like less than 3% with small return, then IMHO it's better to buy professionally managed mutual fund usually offered by banks that earn 5% a year. These funds can allocate investment in hundreds of stocks & bonds for greater diversification. Just my 2 cents.Despite th...
Managed Accounts
Nov 11, 2014 at 11:02
1. There are many things you should look at, not just 1 year trading history. For example: Is it demo / real account? Is the track record verified? (to avoid data tampering). Is the trading privileges verified? (to avoid giving your money to someone who posts someone else's fund because he knows the investor password). Is it using a custom date? (some funds show great return until you adjust the date). Is the broker credible and well known? (I've read some small brokers alter data from their server). Does the manager hold losses all the time? (I've seen 2 years exceptionally great ...
day trade or swing trade what do u prefer ????
Nov 05, 2014 at 11:06
@xdj3richo: I follow 16 pairs because I use market correlation technique, also important to pick the best pair to trade using strongest to weakest currency analysis. Major pairs: EUR/USD, USD/CHF, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, NZD/USD, USD/CAD. Yen pairs: USD/JPY, EUR/JPY, GBP/JPY, AUD/JPY, NZD/JPY.Crosses: EUR/GBP, GBP/CHF, EUR/AUD, GBP/AUD, GBP/NZD, AUD/NZD.Also traded indices and commodities.
day trade or swing trade what do u prefer ????
Nov 04, 2014 at 11:52
Hi growthera, my account is interest free. I paid more spread in each trade for the privilege of interest free account. I neither get any positive nor negative carry. Some brokers allow you to do that if you tell them you want interest free account.
New Forex wannabe
New Traders
Nov 02, 2014 at 10:54
Because past performance is not indicative of future result. Unlike the boss in your workplace that gives you a fixed salary every month, the market is a very bad boss. Not only does he sometimes give you 0 salary, he even takes some or all of your hard earned salary from the bank.
Who has the best PAMM accoutn on fxbook ?
Experienced Traders
Nov 02, 2014 at 10:54
Feel free to look at my PAMM: http://www.myfxbook.com/members/hlau/delta-capital/1001143
day trade or swing trade what do u prefer ????
Oct 31, 2014 at 15:17
Day trade is nice, but swing trade for weeks / months IMO is the path to richness. I can hold position for weeks and months. I see many people often hold losses so the equity growth line (yellow line) is below the equity line (red line). But seldom do I see people let the winners run.I don't mind holding my winners and cut my losers quickly. You can see that in my account's graph.
New Traders
Oct 30, 2014 at 08:53
Pilih mata uang apa aja boleh deh dijual terhadap USD 😄EUR, NZD, ama AUD paling enak dijual. Emas juga jatuh. Yen cross masih naik, sama seperti indices. SPX skarang posisinya baru wave (1) of 5. Minggu depan baru koreksi 3 waves, naik lagi setelah itu.Dollar Index tapi sudah masuk wave 5, jadi hati2 aja nanti kalo sudah top bisa koreksi keseluruhan rally-nya sejak pertengahan tahun 2014, tapi mungkin awal tahun depan baru koreksinya.
New Traders
Oct 28, 2014 at 13:43
Ini USD/IDR untuk forecast jangka pendek bisa ke 12330 - 12528 (equal leg area), terus turun (retrace) kira2 50 - 61.8 fib retracement ke 11687 - 11810, terus naik lagi targetnya kurang lebih 12800.Tahun depan baru mungkin Rupiah menguat agak banyak. US Dollar masih agak terlalu kuat sekarang terhadap semua mata uang.
New Traders
Oct 28, 2014 at 13:43
Ada yang ikutin Rupiah ga? Ini kayanya tahun ini USD/IDR bisa tes 12800 nih.Tes parallel trend line di atas. Kalo tutup di atas garis trend line-nya malah lebih bullish lagi, tapi sepertinya kalopun terjadi ngga tahun ini deh, tapi tahun depan
Anyone Trading For A Living?
Experienced Traders
Oct 28, 2014 at 07:52
I've started trading 10 years ago. First few years have been very difficult as I started to learn the rope, but I am finally able to trade for living in the past 3 years. I trade fully manual because I don't use indicators. Swing sequence, structure, pivot, fibonacci, and Elliott Wave is my bread and butter.
Does DD really indicate the performance of a trader?
Oct 26, 2014 at 15:17
Yes, DD is calculated from your equity, not from profit. For example, you start with $10,000 and you make (realize) a profit $5000, so your equity now is $15,000.Now if next time, it shows DD is 99%, this means your current equity is $150, and your floating loss is $14,850. DD at 99% is not calculated from $5000 profit, it's always from equity.
Indonesia Trader (Bahasa Indonesia)
Oct 24, 2014 at 21:25
Salam kenal semua. Ini real account saya: http://www.myfxbook.com/members/hlau/delta-capital/1001143
Open letter to my wife !
Experienced Traders
Oct 20, 2014 at 06:54
Traders are calculated risk takersGamblers don't calculate the risk when they take the trade, having huge leverage & without stop loss, do not know when to take losses
any fulltime forex trader here ???
Experienced Traders
Oct 19, 2014 at 06:50
I am full time
Anyone in this forum trading GBPAUD?? .
Oct 12, 2014 at 06:17
Hi yes... I trade GBP/AUD. It's crazy bullish, together with GBP/NZD. Keep buying dips and don't short it for whatever reason.Only trade in the direction of primary trend. Don't be tempted to trade the counter trend. You should be ok.If AUD/USD bounce is over (which is the primary view) and it goes lower from here, then GBP/AUD correction can be done and goes to new high from here.
Hedge Strategies
Trading Systems
Sep 30, 2014 at 10:03
Ouch... why holding without SL friend
Last few months blow up most Forex accounts
Experienced Traders
Sep 12, 2014 at 19:57
@Arup Nag,Definitely agree. In myfxbook, it's easy to see that from the chart. The equity growth (yellow line) vs the growth (red line) chart will let you know whether someone is holding losses in their books as long as they can praying things move in their way (or if not, they will add more money so they don't get margin call, and hence abs gain is getting smaller and smaller)For sustainable and better chance to survive in long run (and I mean long run, not just 1 or 2 years), find a trader who has yellow and red line more or less aligned. Common wisdom says a good trader takes losses...
New Traders
Sep 01, 2014 at 06:49
nama : hendraumur : 38kota tinggal : Solopekerjaan : Full time traderbroker : FXCMSalam kenal semuanya
KonstantinFX Aggressive Live- One Million Dollar Account
Trading Systems
Aug 31, 2014 at 06:32
Click Custom Analysis, select ALL, then click Analyze.
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